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ICB news, Molecular Nanotechnology

Welcome to Oriol Villa Lavela

Oriol Villa Lavela – B.Sc. Oriol completed his bachelor’s degree in chemistry at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. He joined the Molecular Nanotechnology group in September 2023 to pursue his master’s at FHNW while working part-time as a research assistant enriching his knowledge in organic and…

Projects, Physical chemistry, process modelling and reaction technology

Miniplant 4.0

CLICK HERE!To get to the official Miniplant 4.0 association’s website!…

ICB news, Molecular Nanotechnology

Congratulations to Amir Nazemi for receiving the Best Talk Award at the annual INASCON conference

Best Talk Award Amir Nazemi received the Best Talk Award for presenting his research work on “enzyme stabilization via nano-environment engineering in organosilica” during the International Nanoscience Conference INASCON 2023 held in Basel, Switzerland. Congratulations Amir!…

Projects, Physical chemistry, process modelling and reaction technology


CLICK HERE! To get to the official Miniplant 4.0 association’s website!…

ICB news, Molecular Nanotechnology

Congratulations Ajmal Roshan for being awarded the RSC Researcher Development and Travel Grant

Researcher Travel Award Ajmal Roshan received the RSC Researcher Development and Travel Grant for attending the 17th International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry in Reykavík, Iceland. Congratulations Ajmal!…

ICB news, Physical chemistry, process modelling and reaction technology

Welcome to Benedikt Brönnimann

Benedikt Brönnimann After successfully defending his Bachelor-Thesis “Development of setup to study electrostatic discharges” at the university of applied sciences FHNW-HLS (Project partner Syngenta), Benedikt joined us on March 1st 2023, strengthening the teams expertise in process development. Together with This…


Improved Alkaline Phosphatases for Immunoassays

ELISA-tests are heavily used in the agricultural sector to analyse crops and seeds for various virus antigens. There are two aims in this project, which are processed together with our partners from industry and academia. The first aim is finding and characterising new highly active enzymes for use in the…


Colonic Vitamin Delivery

In recent years, growing evidence shows that the microbes in our body are highly involved in our overall health. Specially, gut microbiota is key to human diseases and health, and nutrition may influ-ence its composition and balance. Recent studies have shown that vitamins delivered to the colonic microbiota may prevent…


Cancer-specific Alternative Splicing Events

Novel diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for different cancer types CanIso.netA new database to assess the impact of cancer-specific Most Dominant Transcripts (cMDT) using an isoform-specific interaction network. Alternative RNA splicing is a regulatory cellular mechanism to create multiple mRNA molecules from the same gene…
