Further articles


Cancer-specific Alternative Splicing Events

Novel diagnostic and prognostic biomarkers for different cancer types CanIso.netA new database to assess the impact of cancer-specific Most Dominant Transcripts (cMDT) using an isoform-specific interaction network. Alternative RNA splicing is a regulatory cellular mechanism to create multiple mRNA molecules from the same gene…

Projects, Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry

Biosynthesis Rescue

Synthetic glycolipids for the treatment of rare diseases GPI-Anchored Proteins Biosynthesis Rescue We established a synthetic strategy for the chemical synthesis of glycosylphosphatidylinositols having unsaturated lipids. This strategy was used in a project with the group of Prof. Taroh Kinoshita from Osaka University and the Max Planck…

ICB news, Physical chemistry, process modelling and reaction technology

Welcome to This Zahnd

This Zahnd After successfully defending his Bachelor-Thesis “Modeling-Based Approach Towards Quality by Design for a Telescoped Process” at the university of applied sciences FHNW-HLS (Project partner Siegfried AG), This joined us on September 19th 2022, strengthening the teams expertise in process…

Physical chemistry, process modelling and reaction technology, Projects

Novel model-based safety concept for hazardous continuous processes

CLICK HERE! To get to the official Miniplant 4.0 association’s website!…

ICB news, Molecular Nanotechnology

Congratulations Ajmal Roshan for securing the Best Poster Award at the SNI Annual Meeting

Best Poster Award Ajmal Roshan attended the Swiss Nanoscience Institute annual meeting held in Lenzerheide and presented his work on self-assembled metal-organic networks as a poster securing the Best Poster Award. Congratulations Ajmal!…

ICB news

Congratulations Fabrice Müller & Saskia Schmidt for performance a the Swiss Society of Toxicology

During the annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Toxicology in Basel, November 2021, the poster entitled “Investigation of the interplay between oxidative stress and antioxidant defense in 3-dimensional primary human liver microtissues” prepared by Joelle Hofer and presented by Fabrice Müller was awarded a poster prize. At the same…

ICB news, Polymer Chemistry & Biomaterials

Welcome to Dr. Abhijna Das

Dr. Abhijna Das After successfully defending her PhD-Thesis ““Controlling Phase Transitions in Langmuir Polymer Films” at the University of Freiburg (Germany) , Abhijna joined us on April 1st 2021, strengthening the teams expertise in material sciences.

Projects, Cell biology

Novel in vitro biomarkers for hepatotoxicity: exosomal miR-122

In vitro models for liver disease suffer from the lack of well-established and sensitive biomarkers of cellular damage. MicroRNAs (miRNAs; small noncoding RNAs) represent potential biomarkers for the detection of drug-induced liver injury in vivo and in vitro. Altered physiological state caused by disease or tissue damage results in altered release of exosomal- or protein-bound miRNAs, detectable in body fluids and cell culture media...

Projects, Molecular Nanotechnology


Integrated cascades of processes for the extraction and valorisation of proteins and bioactive molecules from legumes, fungi and coffee agro-industrial side streams. Under this title, PROLIFIC applies new, innovative, technological and industrial solutions to transform agro-industrial residues into higher value products....
