nanoLab, ICB news

The Gymnasium Laufental-Thierstein vists the nanoLab

19. June 2024

Impression of the Gymnasium Laufental-Thierstein visiting the nanoLab.

On May 16th 2024, a class from the Regionales Gymnasium Laufental-Thierstein visited us in the nanoLab. After a short introduction about the nanoLab, the students were allowed to actively experience the world of nanometers and produce red gold nanoparticles in the laboratory, observe the differences between blank and written CD/DVD storage media in the AFM and Raman microscope, look at the surface structure of their own hair in the electron microscope and analyze hairspray residues in the IR microscope.
We hope that we were able to infect the students with the fascination of nano!

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