Projects, -Biofabrication, News

🚀 DrainSense – a project by the Institute of Medical Technology and Medical Informatics at FHNW Muttenz

Anastomotic leaks (AL) are a serious complication in abdominal surgeries – they affect 10-20% of the 14 million procedures performed worldwide each year. The DrainSense project is developing a bio-inspired sensor array that detects these leaks early, improving diagnosis.🎯 Our goal: more accurate AL diagnosis, fewer complications, lower healthcare costs,…

News, Events

✨ Recap of our IM² New Year’s Reception 2025 ✨

Yesterday, we had the pleasure of sharing an unforgettable evening together! 🥂A huge thank you to all colleagues who joined and made the reception such a special event. Your great mood, the thoughtful decorations, and the warm atmosphere made the evening truly perfect. 💬 From delicious fondue at the standing…

News, -Biofabrication

🎉 We are thrilled to announce the successful PhD defense of Fabian Züger! 🎓👏

His dissertation, titled “Dual-Scale Hybrid Patches Combining 3D-Bioprinted Constructs with Directional Nanofiber Network to Mimic Native Myocardium, Towards in-vitro Heart Models”, represents an outstanding contribution to the field of tissue engineering and cardiac research.This work, funded by the SNI PhD Program, would not have been possible without the invaluable guidance and…

News, Events

Frohes neues Jahr von uns allen am Institut für Medizintechnik und Medizininformatik der FHNW! 🎉✨

🧑‍🔬 Wir freuen uns auf ein inspirierendes 2025 voller Innovationen, spannender Projekte und enger Zusammenarbeit in der Medizintechnik und Medizininformatik. 🌟Ein besonderes Highlight in diesem Jahr:📢 Die gemeinsame Jahrestagung der Österreichischen, Deutschen und Schweizer Gesellschaften für Biomedizintechnik (BMT 2025) findet vom 9. bis 11. September 2025 bei uns auf dem…

News, Sensor Systems for Diagnosis and Therapy

🎓✨ Congratulations to Hugo Nicolas on his successful doctoral defense! 🎉👏

🎓✨ Congratulations to Hugo Nicolas on his successful doctoral defense! 🎉👏Hugo Nicolas, a PhD student at FHNW School of Life Sciences in Muttenz, Institute for Medical Engineering and Medical Informatics (IM²), and at the Universität Straßburg, defended his doctoral thesis on Monday. 📚🧠The title of his thesis: “Development…

Artificial Intelligence in Health, News

✨ Looking back at the aiHealth2024 Conference at FHNW in Muttenz! ✨

We were thrilled to host and co-organize this year’s international aiHealth2024 conference at our campus. 🚀The event featured three key focus areas:🔍 Artificial intelligence in diagnostics,💊 Therapeutics, and🧠 Digital twin applications.Experts from industry, clinics, and academia came together to discuss cutting-edge research, pressing challenges, and visionary developments shaping the future…


Welcome Markus Oelhafen to the Institute for Medical Informatics and Medical Engineering 🎉

Welcome Markus Oelhafen to the Institute for Medical Informatics and Medical Engineering 🎉We warmly welcome Dr. Markus Oelhafen , our new lecturer for Biomedical Engineering, to the Institute for Medical Informatics and Medical Technology at the School of Life Sciences, FHNW Muttenz.Markus Oelhafen is a technology…

News, Methods and Systems for Optimising Neuroclinical Care

New publication from the Neuroengineering group

Check out our new paper about research data management in Deep Brain Stimulation: “Optimizing neuroscience data management by combining REDCap, BIDS and SQLite: a case study in Deep Brain Stimulation” this manuscript we present a specialized data management system designed to enhance research workflows in Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS),…

Events, -Applied Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence in Health, News

🛑 #HackLife<3 🛑

HackLife Topics: Quantum Computing, Digital Personalized Medicine, Hospital Systems, MedTech.Next Saturday, 28th of September 2024:* You are invited to #HackLife❤️ 🧑🏼‍💻using (generative) artificial intelligence👩🏻‍💻 to enable large-scale prevention, precise diagnostics and therapeutics for healthcare!Register here:** Tackle industry-relevant challenges and understand how much you can actually do today…

News, Events

6 th Symposium – 3D Druck Symposium in Life Sciences / September 6th and 7th 2024 / FHNW-Campus Muttenz

Dear Community,we are happy to announce that registration now open and you can secure your spot for the 3dpBasel and the European Healthcare Forum for Additive Manufacturing (EHFAM) – former AM Medical Days!This year’s Symposium on 3D Printing for Life Sciences on September 6th is dedicated to bioprinting, medical device industry and…

News, Events

IM² summer party 2024

Our annual IM² summer party was once again a complete success! ☀️Last week we gathered together at the Sulzchopfhütte in Muttenz for a relaxed evening of barbecues, drinks, sunshine and conversation. 😎We are very happy to share such precious moments with our team and would like to thank everyone for…


Congratulations 🎉 to Guilherme Baumgarten on the successful defense

Guilherme Baumgarten, a doctoral student at FHNW School of Life Sciences, Institute for Medical Engineering and Medical Informatics and at the iCube laboratory at the Universität Straßburg, defended on Wednesday his doctoral thesis entitled “Development and characterization of an NMR portable probe for the monitoring of water quality and…

Events, News

Summer Party 2024 IM²

We are pleased to invite you to our IM² Summer Party 2024 of the Institute of Medical Engineering and Medical Informatics at the FHNW School of Life Sciences in Muttenz.Together with our scientific staff, assistants, lecturers and alumni, we will meet for a cozy reunion and a nice get-together. 😎🍻Our…

Events, News

Bootcamp 26.06. & 27.06.2024 / Innovation Booster Digital Health Nation

Gestalten Sie die Zukunft des Gesundheitswesens mit der Innovation Booster Digital Health Nation am FHNW Campus Muttenz, powered by Innosuisse.Unter der Leitung von Yana Yoncheva und die Unterstützung von Aurélie Moser und Bambooster Akademie, hat es sich Digital Health Nation zur Aufgabe gemacht, digitale Gesundheitsideen in der ganzen Schweiz im…

News, Medical Decision Support Systems

Vortrag zum 37. Life Sciences Frühstück

Wir finden es wunderbar, dass Antje-Christin Knopf aus unserem Institut für Medizintechnik und Medizininformatik an der Hochschule für Life Science FHNW in Muttenz, ihre Einblicke in den hochentwickeltem technologischen Bereich, zum 37. Life Sciences Frühstück, geteilt und vorgetragen hat. 👀Aus der tollen Zusammenarbeit zwischen Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW und…

News, Events


Sich als Hochschule im Team bewusst Zeit für Themen nehmen, die beschäftigen, ist so wertvoll – auf der ganzen Linie. Für die Themen selbst und auch für den Teamspirit 😃 Kompetenzen reflektieren ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil unseres Hochschulenspirits.Ein solcher Klausurtag ist vielfältig: Workshops finden statt, es gibt Pitches & Erfahrungsaustausche.

Sensor Systems for Diagnosis and Therapy, Projects

HelpMeWalk Project

The HelpMeWalk project is part of the Science Offensive of the trinational Upper Rhine Metropolitan Region. The project aims to develop an intelligent 3D scanning-textile that takes digital measurements in order to produce orthotics more efficiently.Prof. Dr. Joris Pascal and his team has been involved for several years…

News, Implant Design and Production with Additive Manufacturing

Inklusives 3D-Druckprojekt für orthopädische Kinderschuhe/Stiftung FHNW

Ein riesiges Dankeschön geht heute an die Stiftung FHNW, welche unser diesjähriges Projekt “Inklusives 3D-Druckprojekt für orthopädische Kinderschuhe” von Prof. Nicole Schneider von der Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW (HGK Basel FHNW) mit Daniel Seiler, von unserem Institut für Medizintechnik und Medizininformatik an der Hochschule für…

News, Events

⏱ 37. Life Sciences Frühstück ⏱

Wednesday, June 12 · 7:15 – 9:30am / AHA (8 Aeschbachweg, 5000 Aarau) Ein grossartiger, gemeinsamer Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Antje-Christin Knopf von unserem Institut für Medizintechnik und Medizininformatik an der Fachhochschule für Life Sciences in Muttenz und Dr. Arturs Meijers, des Paul Scherrer Instituts, zur Optimierung…

News, Sensor Systems for Diagnosis and Therapy

Orthopädische Sensorsocke für die Vermessung von Fussformen

Was für ein grandioser Erfolg 😚 🏆Prof. Dr. Joris Pascal mit seinem Forschungsteam aus unserem Institut für Medizintechnik und Medizininformatik an der Fachhochschule für Life Sciences in Muttenz, hat es geschafft, ein Produkt mit einer klaren Marktanwendung zu entwickeln. 👌Zusammen mit dem gemeinsamen Gesundheitstechnologie-Spin-off BellwaldTEC, ist eine orthopädische Socke mit…

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