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News, Research Groups, Sensors systems for diagnosis and therapy

Orthopädische Sensorsocke für die Vermessung von Fussformen

Was für ein grandioser Erfolg 😚 🏆Prof. Dr. Joris Pascal mit seinem Forschungsteam aus unserem Institut für Medizintechnik und Medizininformatik an der Fachhochschule für Life Sciences in Muttenz, hat es geschafft, ein Produkt mit einer klaren Marktanwendung zu entwickeln. 👌Zusammen mit dem gemeinsamen Gesundheitstechnologie-Spin-off BellwaldTEC, ist eine orthopädische Socke mit…

News, General, Sensors systems for diagnosis and therapy

Live-Demonstration im Rahmen des BUFA-Seminars in Dortmund

Unser Dozent für Life Science Technologies, Prof. Dr. Joris Pascal, hat im Rahmen des BUFA-Seminars (Bundesfachschule für Orthopädie, Seminar Digitale Fertigung) in Dortmund, letzte Woche eine Live-Demonstration unserer intelligenten Textilien erfolgreich durchgeführt. 👇 💪Vielen Dank für Dein tolles Engagement und Deinen tollen Einsatz für das IM²-Team 😀——————————————————————————————————-Our lecturer…

General, Sensors systems for diagnosis and therapy

Best Student Presentation Award – Finalist – IEEE Intermag Conference 2023

We are very happy to announce that Céline Vergne was selected as finalist for the Best Student Presentation Award at the IEEE Intermag Conference 2003 in Sendai (Japan) on May 17, 2022. This award recognizes and encourages excellence in graduate studies in the field of magnetism. The results presented discuss…

News, Sensors systems for diagnosis and therapy

Best Paper award Paper – IEEE Sensors Conference 2022

We are very happy to announce that Céline Vergne won the Best Student Paper Award at the IEEE Sensors Conference 2002 in Dallas (USA) on November 2, 2022. The results presented were obtained by José Inácio during his Bachelor thesis. Congratulations to José Inácio for his great work and achievements…

Research Groups, Methods and Systems for Neural Stimulation, Projects, Sensors systems for diagnosis and therapy

MANADBS project

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) has been widely accepted as an effective treatment for movement disorders such as Parkinson Disease (PD), essential tremor or dystonia. During DBS, high-frequency (mostly 130Hz) electrical stimulation is applied to disrupt the abnormal information flow using multi-contact electrodes implanted in the structures of the brain…
