Almost all genres have their games' main stories take 2 to 15 hours. MMOs seemingly play by different rules with a median of 62 hours to beat.
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Hovering over a genre gives you additional info. Go find out which genre has the cheapest games!
Adventure Games
Adventure Games have the steepest correlation between rating and time to beat. The trendline is so steep that it goes beyond 100% for long games.
Hover over the data points. Can you find a game you already know?
Hover over the data points. Can you find a game you already know?
Racing Games
Racing game players do not seem to care about the length of their games.
This time, sports games are the outlier. For all other genres, the trend was between neutral and positive. However for sports games, it seems that the longer the main story is, the worse of a reception it gets.
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Cheaper games tend to be shorter with one genre being an exception...
MMO Prices
...MMOs tend to be longer the cheaper they are. Probably because free MMOs tend to use every trick imaginable to keep users engaged and are made longer by adding meaningless content.
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