Events, Forschung & Entwicklung

Gamification and Tourney (FHNW) at the XING-MittagXperten

15. April 2014
Martina Dalla Vecchia (Lecturer at School of Business FHNW and head of CAS Social Media, Conversion Management & Webanalyse) organizes the XING-MittagXperten on April 24th, 2014 and hosts Safak Korkut on the topic «Games and Gamification» in a scenic lunch in Restaurant Rhypark, Basel.Screen Shot 2014-04-15 at 10.26.25 There are still places left in the event. For more information please visit the dedicated page on XING. The game industry has already overcome the Hollywood’s most expensive productions. In November 2013, one retail game sold $1 billion worth of copies all around the world in one single day; a number that no Hollywood production ever came closer. While the industry is growing and players are getting more and more addicted, the side effects are also started to come to the surface in various sectors outside of the game world: a trend that many enterprises want to jump in, but most don’t know how to do. This presentation will focus not only on the ideas and applications of gamification, but also will show insights from FHNW’s gamified learning project: Tourney. tourney-conceptvisualization Safak Korkut is a designer and a researcher in FHNW who is closely interested in the latest technologies, new communication concepts, gamification and social media development. He is also a professional filmmaker, a project developer, a game designer, an MSc co-mentor, and a lecturer at the Institute of Information Systems.  
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