

‘Live Paper’ is about the exploration of user interfaces for interactive tabletop projection. It is a joint project between the FHNW (as leading house), the University of Zurich UZH and the Hypothekarbank Lenzburg HBL. It is funded by the Commission for Technology and Innovation CTI. The aim of the project is to enhance pencil selling strategies of mortgage advice to interactive visualization and simulation capabilities.

Live Paper for Human Centered Financial Advisory Services
To merge the advantages of the physical world with the possibilities of interactive digital information, we follow Mark Weiser’s paradigm of Calm Computing and bring with ‘Live Paper’ real paper to life: We are developing a projection based mixed reality environment that enables touch interaction by tracking as well as visualization and simulation on real paper or a normal table. This creates a new tangible user interface, which also provides new approaches for the design and interaction.

Project Team

  • University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland FHNW, School of Engineering, Institute of 4D-Technologies (as Leading House):
    Fabian Affolter, Prof. Dr. Doris Agotai (Lead), Fiona Nüesch, Ulrike Schock, Filip Schramka, Prof. Dr. Simon Schubiger
  • University of Zurich UZH, Department of Informatics, Information Management Research Group:
    Prof. Dr. Gerhard Schwabe, Dr. Mehmed Kilic, Mateusz Dolata
  • Hypothekarbank Lenzburg HBL:
    André Renfer, Marianne Wildi

We are looking forward to your contact.

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