Further articles

Nanoparticles in complex matrices, NEWS

New Publication!

The findings of the "SiNP Food" project are now published and open access in ACS Omega

Projects, NEWS

Colorimetric Reflective Dual Grating Biosensor – Core 2G BIOS

Colorimetric Reflective Dual Grating Biosensor - Core 2G BIOS


Winner of the SNI NanoImage Award 2023

Congratulations to Vivien Hollenstein and Laura Martinez for winning the Swiss Nanoscience Institute NanoImage Award with the colorised image of polystyrene microspheres, which they synthesised during the practical training in polymers at the School of Life Sciences FHNW, organised by the nanoLab.

NEWS, About

🎇 They did it! 🎆

FHNW School of Life Sciences, Diploma celebration 2023


Congrats to Elisa Gianfreda, MSc!

Congratulation to Elisa Gianfreda, Master of Science!

NEWS, About

National Future Day at NanoLab

National Future Day at FHNW Muttenz - NanoLab

NEWS, Projects, SAP Hydrogel

Therapy to treat ulcers in the oral mucosa – Hydrogel Patch Project

Novel therapy to treat ulcers in the oral mucosa by applying a hydrogel Patch.

About, NEWS

NanoTech Apéro @ FHNW School of Life Sciences

SNI NanoTech Apéro at FHNW School of Life Sciences

NanoLab - Facility & Equipment, NEWS

Set up a Raman microscope guided by augmented reality

The use of augmented reality (AR) was tested on our Raman Microscope, which usually requires a thorough training in order to set it up and obtain precise laser parameters. An AR guided standard operation procedure was prepared with Inspect AR software (Augment IT by Necetera AG) and instantaneously instructs…
