Alessandro Stumpo started his PhD project in August 2021 with the title “Goldnanoparticle assemblies for SERS based detection of EGFR expressing ovarian cancer cells in tumor xenografts” in the NanoLab. It is a collaboration with Prof.Dr. V. Heinzelmanns group from University Hospital Basel , Prof. Dr. Scott McNeil from University of…
The use of augmented reality (AR) was tested on our Raman Microscope, which usually requires a thorough training in order to set it up and obtain precise laser parameters. An AR guided standard operation procedure was prepared with Inspect AR software (Augment IT by Necetera AG) and instantaneously instructs…
Damit der Diesel im Baustellentank «clean» bleibtScreenshot of Aargauer Zeitung Aargauer Zeitung “Damit der Diesel im Baustellentank «clean» bleibt”Was tun, wenn Baumaschinen aus unerklärlichen Gründen ausfallen? Und bei Tankkontrollen auf Baustellen immer öfter Schmutz im Diesel entdeckt wird? Die Bako…