
CAPillary Optics for FOcusing of X-rays, NEWS, Projects

Doki’s Poster at the Swiss Nanoscience Institute Annual Meeting 2024

Dogukan Güçtemurs poster on “Optimizing nano-roughness in polymeric capillary optics” displaying his latest findings in the Capofox Project.

Nanoparticles in complex matrices, NEWS

New Publication!

The findings of the “SiNP Food” project are now published and open access in ACS Omega

Raman visualisation of ovarian cancer cells

Alessandro’s Poster at the Swiss Nanoscience Institute – Snow Symposium 2024

Snow symposium 2024 Poster…

Projects, Colorimetric Reflective Dual Grating Biosensor – Core 2G BIOS, NEWS

Colorimetric Reflective Dual Grating Biosensor – Core 2G BIOS

Colorimetric Reflective Dual Grating Biosensor – Core 2G BIOS

NEWS, Projects, SAP Hydrogel

Therapy to treat ulcers in the oral mucosa – Hydrogel Patch Project

Novel therapy to treat ulcers in the oral mucosa by applying a hydrogel Patch.

All news and events