Further articles

Nanoparticles in complex matrices, NEWS

New Publication!

The findings of the "SiNP Food" project are now published and open access in ACS Omega

Projects, NEWS

Colorimetric Reflective Dual Grating Biosensor – Core 2G BIOS

Colorimetric Reflective Dual Grating Biosensor - Core 2G BIOS

NEWS, Projects, SAP Hydrogel

Therapy to treat ulcers in the oral mucosa – Hydrogel Patch Project

Novel therapy to treat ulcers in the oral mucosa by applying a hydrogel Patch.


Welcome Elisa Gianfreda!

Elisa Gianfreda started her 8 month Master project in July 2022 with the title “Realistic artificial eye model to test ophthalmic surgical instruments for ILM peeling of the retina” in the NanoLab. The project is a collaboration with Dr. Grübler from Alcon Grieshaber. We wish her a good start and an exciting…

About, NEWS

NanoTech Apéro @ FHNW School of Life Sciences

SNI NanoTech Apéro at FHNW School of Life Sciences


Insight into nano!

The NanoScience class of the Gymnasium Kirschgarten visits our nanoLab FHNW and gets some hands-on experience on how to research the small!


Congratulation to Seraina Hofmann BSc!

BSc Project of Seraina Hofmann
