Coaching Services for Students

NB – appointments for the new semester will be available soon

Please register on the German page

Studying in English at the FHNW? Finding it challenging to write in an academic style in papers, essays or exams? The Writing Hub can support you with individual coaching. Writing is a skill and one that can be acquired simply by writing. The more you write, the more accurate, articulate and fluent your texts will be.  And this in turn, will give you confidence and enjoyment. Writing clearly is a skill which will serve you well not only throughout your studies, but also in your career. Writing remains a key element in work processes: in communicating effectively with colleagues and clients, in  developing project pitches, documenting, reporting.

Writing scientifically or professionally is a cornerstone of your studies. Writing is a skill that can be learnt.
Writing scientifically or professionally is a cornerstone of your studies. Writing is a skill that can be learnt.

The Writing Hub offers writing coaching (free for FHNW students and staff).  Experienced coaches support you in tailored individual 45 minute sessions. You can register with your FHNW-account via Evento. Coaching is offered at all three campuses – please note that time frames differ.  (Currently the registration process is only available in German. Sorry.) And currently all sessions are online due to Covid-19.

Coaches are lecturers or professors in the field of communication studies, language or marketing.  They are each closely acquainted with both the needs and issues of students and the professional and scientific expectations of employers’ and universities’ key foundation for the coaching is the aim to support students towards independence in writing. The aim is to help analyse writing issues or problems based on segments/examples the student brings along. Strengths and weaknesses are then identified and strategies developed on how best to improve. Our coaching service is structured, limited and goal-oriented. The number of coaching sessions is limited. Usually one or two 45-minute sessions are available per student.

If, however, you only require proofreading of your texts (i.e. checking and correcting of spelling, language, punctuation), students can profit from the contract The Writing Hub has with Acolad AG. BUT, only a limited proofreading is allowed within the Declaration of Authenticity students need to adhere to. Such services need to be paid for entirely by the students, but a discount is available from which they can profit.
