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Research and publish

We provide support in terms of research, data management and publication and are committed to open science and the open dissemination of knowledge.

Open Science

Open Science (PDF, 324 KB) is a scientific approach based on the free availability of publications, data, methods, software, materials and other resources. Collaborative and transparent procedures are intended to guarantee the quality of research and enable the most permeable possible transfer of knowledge to society.  

Open Science does not mean that all scientific information must be accessible without restriction. The principle of openness should only be applied where it is legally and ethically acceptable.

Open Research Data

An important element of Open Science is Open Research Data (PDF, 194KB), the shared use of large and small data sets in the scientific community.

Research Data Management

Other important elements of good scientific practice are Research Data Management (RDM) and FAIR data, where "as open as possible as closed as necessary" applies.