Institute Art Gender Nature (IAGN)
The Art Institute — with gender and nature is a community constituted by artists-teachers and artists-students.
The Art Institute is dedicated to the understanding of an art practice in entanglement with the values of diversity, interspecies coexistence, social justice and love. The practice is understood as a substance that questions materiality, technologies and different knowledges. Art deals with experience and experience is an immediate way to understand our relations to the world – to nature, to all forms of life. Experience is, as well, the realm of the senses, not only the eyes, but synchronically all the organs that made us part of nature. Art is the place that renders evident that Modern science and technology must coexist with indigenous and ancient knowledges. Why? Because the future of a post-colonial society depends on our ability to relate to very different thought systems and to shelter and care for the values of life. The Art Institute wants to be the place where to exercise this ability, the place that performs a trust in artists and art, that, hopefully, would be transferred to our society.
The name "Art Institute" means many things. It stands for the complex history of how a place emerges in which artists are teachers. A place where practice defines the way we think, how we make decisions and the discussions as to what "doing and making" in art actually means. The name discloses in a very specific way what collective learning means.