The MSc of Life Sciences offers an attractive study programme with a focus on application-oriented research and development. The FHNW School of Life Sciences is located in the Basel Area, one of the global centres of the life science industry and offering ample job opportunities. The study programme combines modules during two semesters with practical experience in an eight months long Master’s thesis. The theses are often carried out with at the site of an external partner. To prepare optimally for a professional career, the offered modules also cover management and digitalization skills. Students can choose modules from a wide offer fitting their specific needs and interests. Within the MSc of Life Science we offer nine specialisations each preparing optimally for demanding position in industry or academia.
The international Master of Science in Life Sciences is conducted in collaboration with other Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences: Berner Fachhochschule BFH, Haute Ecole Specialisee de la Suisse Occidentale HES-SO and Zürcher Hochschule fur angewandte Wissenschaften ZHAW.
Overview Master in Life Sciences
In total each student must gain 50 ECTS by visiting modules.
• Core competences: Each student has to choose at least 4 modules from the 8 Core Competence modules • Specialized Education: Depending upon Specialisation students have to choose a certain number of modules from different module groups (for details see the web pages for the Specialisation).
The study is finished with an 8 months long MSc thesis (40 ECTS).
The Core Competence Modules provide the students with essential competences in data literacy and for their professional position. These modules are offered by the cooperation and are visited by students from all partner schools allowing students to build up a Swiss-wide network.
Handling and Visualizing Data
Data and Ethics
Design and Analysis of Experiments
Modelling and Exploration of Multivariate Data
Business, Management & Society:
Business Administration for Life Sciences
Management and Leadership for Life Sciences
Innovation and Project Management
Politics and Society
Depending upon the chosen Specialisation the students must take a minimum number of modules from several module groups (see separate section on each Specialisation for details). In addition, students may visit elective modules from the study programme each student to individualize their studies.
The Master's thesis is worth 40 ECTS credits and is the most important module in the course. As part of their thesis, students work on demanding, application-based projects. The thesis can be done in the industry, at a university or at a research institute in Switzerland or abroad or at an institute within the FHNW School of Life Sciences.
The Master's thesis is written in English and lasts for eight months (full-time).
The Master's course usually lasts one and a half years full time. The focus in the first two semesters is on attending lectures. At the end of the second semester, students begin their Master's thesis, which lasts for eight months.
It is possible to study part time while working, with the course then extending from three to six semesters. Experience suggests that working between 50 to 60 per cent of full-time equivalence is appropriate. Part-time students attend lectures over several semesters and usually begin their Master's thesis at the end of the fourth semester.
The course begins in the autumn semester (calendar week 38). It is possible to begin in the spring semester (calendar week 8).
Tuition fees per semester for the following students:
Swiss nationals, Students who have their civil law domicile in Switzerland at the start of their studies.
Students who can prove that their parents have civil law residence in Switzerland at the beginning of their studies.
Refugees of legal age and stateless persons with civil law residence in Switzerland.
CHF 750
Tuition fees per semester for students who have their civil law residence in the EU/EFTA at the beginning of their studies.
CHF 1 000
Tuition fees per semester for students who do not have their civil law residence in Switzerland or in an EU/EFTA state at the start of their studies.
CHF 5 000
A fee of CHF 100 per semester is also charged for materials and licences.
The full semester fees are due if the deregistration or the exmatriculation application is not received by the FHNW within one week of the start of the semester.
As a rule, outstanding bachelor’s degree qualifications are accepted for the MSc programme. Candidates will be admitted without an entry examination if they have
gained a BSc in a related subject and graduated with grade A, B or ≥ 5, or demonstrated an equivalent qualification (≤ 2.5 for Germany / Austria )
the required English skills
Motivated students who do not fulfil the entry requirements entirely might be invited for an assessment interview.
In the case of a lower English level, the applicants are admitted but have the obligation to improve their English during the Master’s course. They may attend the Advanced English course offered by the School of Life Sciences or may attend other courses. At the end of the studies, students have to prove that they have attained the required English level (see table "Language of instruction").
The Master's course is taught exclusively in English. Students therefore require good language skills. The following table shows the required levels:
If prospective students do not have the required English skills, they can acquire these during their studies and be tested on them at the end of the course.
Selected students of our Master’s programme can complete a double degree by taking an additional semester at one of our partner Universities: Linköping University, University of Chemical and Technology Prague and University of Bologna. The Dual degree option is especially attractive for students aiming to pursue a PhD. More information on Double Degree.
The MSc in Life Sciences is offered in nine specialisations. The information provided above is common to all specialisations. Below you find detailed information on the respective specialisation in particular the Career Opportunities and the Curriculum.