Module description
- Game Design and Development
(Spiel-Design und -Entwicklung)
Number |
ECTS | 3.0 |
Level | advanced |
Overview | This module gives a broad overview of current game design and development techniques. The first part teaches general concepts of game design, independent of computer games. The second part discusses selected topics related to computer games. The students will develop their own game idea in groups of three during the exercises. They will then realize their game using Unity 3D, C#, Blender and various content creation tools.
Topics |
Learning Objectives | The students master current game design and development techniques, which enables them to develop a complete computer game from scratch with Unity 3D. They are able to develop a game idea, applying experience design, using storytelling, implementing game logic and mechanics, and can use 3D modelling, animation, physics, and sound. |
Previous knowledge |
Exam format | Continuous assessment grade |
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