Module description
- Visualising Information
Number |
ECTS | 3.0 |
Level | advanced |
Overview | As a result of the increasing amount of data, the exploration and analysis of large data sets is becoming more and more difficult. In order to gain information, knowledge and new insights from these data, methodological, technical and design knowledge is necessary. The goal of the module is to provide these basics in order to generate interactive visual representations from complex data. Content
Learning Objectives | The students know the basic methods and creative concepts of interactive information visualization. They know how to gain insights from complex data. They are familiar with actual questions and applications in the field of information visualization and visual analytics. The students can analyze and evaluate different visualizations, apply principles of information visualization for the presentation of different types of data as well as develop interactive data visualizations. They are able to create browser-based interactive visualizations with JavaScript. |
Previous knowledge |
Exam format | Continuous assessment grade |
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