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Module description - Current Affairs (Elective)

ECTS 2.0
Level C1 / C2
Overview The overall aim of this module is to further develop students’ speaking skills, in particular fluency, and encourage them to activate spoken language in a range of contexts reflective of the way that speaking is employed in realistic, private or work-related situations.

Focusing primarily on current events and topical issues, students will have the possibility to select a topic in the news and media, research and provide input e.g. newspaper article(s), video clip(s), podcast(s) and prepare a handout to lead a class discussion based on this input.

Format of the class is student-driven with teacher-student tutorial on the handout and teacher feedback on (common) mistakes and noteworthy vocabulary.
Learning objectives Upon successful completion of the module, participants can/will have:

  • express themselves more fluently and spontaneously.
  • developed a broad range of vocabulary based on a variety of topics covered.
  • understand and participate in complex conversational topics
  • use language flexibly and effectively for personal and professional purposes.
  • follow and contribute to complex interactions in a group discussion.
  • keep up with a debate; respond to questions and comments spontaneously and appropriately.
Previous knowledge Entry based on placement test or successful completion of e4/ten2. Language level C1 or above.
Exam format Continuous assessment grade
Additional information Due to the nature of a discussion-based language class, there is an 80% attendance requirement.
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