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Institute of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

We are the FHNW's competence centre for mathematics and physics.

Every engineering and computer science activity is based on basic competences in mathematics and physics. Our main tasks include teaching these key areas of knowledge in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes at the School of Engineering and Environment and at the School of Computer Science.

We offer preparatory courses for students interested in studying computer science or engineering, which make it easier for them to get started at the FHNW and contribute to their academic success.

In addition, we solve problems for industry, business and society in research and service projects. This is also done in co-operation with other FHNW institutes and their own research activities.

Our lab infrastructure

The Institute of Mathematics and Natural Sciences has state-of-the-art laboratory and simulation infrastructure. Discover our labs!

Our lab infrastructure

FHNW School of Engineering, Brugg-Windisch

FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland School of Engineering Bahnhofstrasse 6 CH - 5210 Windisch
More information about the location