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Biocompatible wear-resistant PS coatings

Sensitisation to immunologically active elements like chromium, cobalt or nickel and debris particle due to wear are serious problems for patients with metallic implants.

In this project we tested the approach of using a hard and thick ceramic coating as a wear-resistant protection of titanium implants, avoiding those sensitisation and foreign body problems. We showed that the process parameters strongly influence the coating porosity and, as a consequence, also its hardness.

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SEM image of the PS-coating. Left: Top view, right cross-section. From: N. Vogt et al, Biocompatible wear-resistant thick ceramic coatings, Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering 2(1): 31–34 (2016).

Weitere Informationen zum Projekt


  • N. Vogt, K. Wozniak, A. Salito, M. de Wild,Biocompatible wear-resistant thick ceramic coating, Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering 2(1): 31–34 (2016).
  • R. Burger, Eine neue Implantate-Generation, Geschäftsbericht 2017, High Tech Zentrum Aargau, p. 25 (2017).






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Hochschule für Life Sciences FHNW

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