Prof. Dr. Giovanni Bertolini
Prof. Dr. Giovanni Bertolini
Tätigkeiten an der FHNW
- Verantwortlicher für die Koordination der angewandten Forschung und Entwicklung des Institut für Optometrie FHNW
- Dozent
Allgemeine und Physiologische Optik
- Eye-tracking
- Wahrnehmung
- Virtual und Augmented Reality
- Cybersickness
Berufliche Tätigkeiten
Forscherer an der University of Pavia (Italy), Dept. of Information and Communication Systems
2006 – 2011
Doktorand an der University of Pavia (Italy), Dept. of Information and Communication Systems
2011 – 2015
Postdoktorand an der Universität Zürich (Schweiz), Departement Neurologie
SNF APM fellow/Forscher am German Aerospace Center (DLR) - Cologne (Germany), Institute of Aerospace Medicine
2015 – 2016
SNF APM fellow/Forscher am TNO - Soesterberg, (Netherland), Dept. of Human Factor
SNF APM fellow/Forscher an der University of Antwerp (Belgium), AUREA
2016 – 2017
SNF APM fellow (Return Grant) an der Universität Zürich (Schweiz), Departement Neurologie
2017 – 2021
Forscher und Koordinator am Swiss Concussion Center (Switzerland)
2016 – 2021
ZNZ Junior Group Leader an der Universität Zürich (Schweiz), Departement Neurologie
Seit 2021
Forscher am Aeromedical Institute (Switzerland)
Seit 2021
Professor an der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Institut für Optometrie
Bachelor Deg. cum Laude in Biomedical Engineering, Univ. of Pavia, Italy
Master Deg. cum Laude in Biomedical Engineering, Univ. of Pavia, Italy
Doctoral Degree (Ph.D.) in Biomedical Engineering, Univ. of Pavia, Italy
01/2015-12/2015 Schweizerische Stiftung für Alkoholforschung (SSA), Project title: The effect of alcohol on gaze holding in healthy human subjects as a model of gaze evoked nystagmus and rebound nystagmus induced by impairment of cerebellar function
03/2015-02/2017 Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF): Disentanglement of perceived gravity direction and self-rotation perception
03/2016-12/2021 Aeromedical Institute (FAI): Establishing an advanced desensitization protocol for motion sensitive airplane pilots
01/2017-12/2017 Betty and David Koetser Foundation for Brain Research: Establishing a non-pharmacological treatment method for cerebellar nystagmus by altering the adaptability of the eye null-position
01/2017-12/2017 Schweizerische Stiftung für Alkoholforschung (SSA): Impact of alcohol on self-motion perception and reflexive eye movements: a human model to investigate the role of cerebellar impairment in visuo-vestibular integration
06/2017-12/2017 German Aerospace Center (DLR) - Institute of Aerospace Medicine Impact and adaptation of alternating gravity condition on human performance
06/2017-02/2018 Hartmann Müller Foundation: A novel outlook for cerebellar patients: Boosting the performance of the gaze holding system
01/2019-12/2019 Betty and David Koetser Foundation for Brain Research: CBD/THC nose spray to reduce vestibular motion sickness
01/2021–12/2021 Betty and David Koetser Foundation for Brain Research: Artificial manipulation of self-motion perception to control multi-sensory adaptation: Building the tools to design novel, patient-specific rehabilitation protocols for persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD)
09/2021–09/2024 European Space Agency - Open Space innovation platform (OSIP): A wearable-based system to reduce space motion sickness by multi- sensory pre-habituation
Prof. Dr. Giovanni Bertolini
- Forschungsleiter Optometrie, Dozent
- Telefonnummer
- +41 62 957 25 86 (Direkt)
- Z2lvdmFubmkuYmVydG9saW5pQGZobncuY2g=
- Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW
Hochschule für Technik und Umwelt
Riggenbachstrasse 16
4600 Olten