EU grant from the Marie Sklodowska-Curie actions as the Chair of Excellence at University of Paris Sud, France. (NanoSense, 2012-2014), Grant agreement no. 246556.
Won the best paper award for ‘Operti, M.C.; Dölen, Y.; Keulen, J.; van Dinther, E.A.W.; Figdor, C.; Tagit, O.* Microfluidics-assisted size tuning and biological evaluation of PLGA particles (corresponding author, invited contribution to the special issue in ‘PLGA Based Drug Carrier and Pharmaceutical Applications’) Pharmaceutics 11 590 (2019)’.
Won the best poster prize in Dutch Polymer Days, 4-5 February 2008, Lunteren, The Netherlands.
Scholarship and travel award from NanoNed (Nanotechnology Research and Development initiative of Dutch Government) for participation in the summer school ‘Methods in Micro/Nano/technology and Nanobiotechnology’ 25 June- 6 July 2007, Athens, Greece.