Prof. Dr. Pia Bereuter
Prof. Dr. Pia Bereuter
Tätigkeit an der FHNW
Dozentin für Geoinformationswissenschaften
Schwerpunkte Lehre
- Geoinformationswissenschaften: Geographische Informationssysteme, GIS Grundlagen & Konzepte
- Räumliche Datenmodellierung: Räumliche Datenbanken & SQL, Datenaustausch, Geodatenformate und
-dienste, Digitale Geländemodelle
- Räumliche Datenanalyse: Räumliche Analysen und Methoden, Geländeanalyse, Eignungsanalysen
- Mobile Geoinformation: Routing & Wayfinding, Location Based Services, Netzwerkanalyse
Schwerpunkte Forschung
- Computergestützte Bewegungsanalyse: Analyse von Bewegungsmustern und –trajektorien, Menschliche Mobilität, Gesundheit und Mobilität
- Automatische Kartengeneralisierung: Entwicklung von Algorithmen im Bereich mobiler Kartenanwendungen
- Location Based Services: Ortsbasierte Dienste und Anwendungen
Weitere Informationen
- PhD (dr. sc. nat.) Geographisches Institut, Universität Zürich Thesis: Quadtree-based Real-time Point Generalisation for Web and Mobile Mapping
- MSc. (dipl. geogr.) Geographisches Institut, Universität Zürich Hauptfach: Geographie, mit Fokus in Fernerkundung und Geographischer Informationswissenschaft, Nebenfächer: Atmosphärenphysik, Kartographie
- Institut für Vermessung und Geoinformation, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Muttenz, Professorin für Geoinformationswissenschaften
- Universitärer Forschungsschwerpunkt (UFSP) “Dynamik des Gesunden Alterns” & Geographische Informationssysteme, Geographisches Institut, Universität Zürich, Zürich Postdoc, wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
- CloudMade Deutschland GmbH, Stuttgart, Deutschland GIS Spezialistin, Data Scientist
- Geographische Informationssysteme, Geographisches Institut, Universität Zürich, Zürich, Doktorandin, wissenschaftliche Assistentin
- Geographic information systems & remote sensing centre CGIS, National University of Rwanda, Butare, Ruanda, GIS Praktikum
- Laboratoire d’Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiale LEGOS, Centre Nationale d’Études Spatiale CNES, Toulouse, France, Praktikum im Bereich der Fernerkundung
Das interdisziplinäre Projekt MOASIS zwischen Psychologie und Geoinformatik hat zum Ziel herauszufinden welchen Aktivitäten gesündere, ältere Menschen nachgehen und wie diese Aktivitäten mit ihrer Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden zusammenhängen
Entwicklung von Algorithmen für die automatische kartographische Generalisierung von mobilen und Webkarten in Echtzeit, sowie der quantitativen räumlichen und kartographischen Analyse der Resultate
- Stanislawski, L. V, Buttenfield, B., Bereuter, P., and Brewer, C., 2014. Generalisation Operators. In: D. Burghardt, C. Duchêne, and W. Mackaness, eds. Abstracting Geographic Information in a Data Rich World: Methodologies and Applications of Map Generalisation. Springer International Publishing, 157–195. Refereed Papers (full paper review)
- Bereuter, P., and Weibel, R. (2017). Variable-scale maps in real-time generalisation using a quadtree data structure and space deforming algorithms. International Journal of Cartography, 0(2), 1–14.
- Bereuter, P., Weibel, R., and Burghardt, D., 2013. Content zooming and information exploration for mobile maps. International Journal of Geomatics and Spatial Analysis, Revue internationale de géomatique 23(3-4), 295–321.
- Bereuter, P. and Weibel, R., 2013. Real-time generalization of point data in mobile and web mapping using quadtrees. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 40(4):271–281.
- Bereuter, P. and Weibel, R., 2013. Assessing Real-Time Generalisation of Point Data. In: 16th Workshop on Progress in Generalisation and Multiple Representation map generalization. Dresden, Germany: ICA Commission on Generalisation and Multiple Representation, 1–9.
- Bereuter, P., Weibel, R., and Burghardt, D., 2012. Content zooming and exploration for mobile maps. In: J. Gensel, D.J. And, and D. Vandenbroucke, eds. Proceedings of the AGILE 2012 International Conference onf Geographic Information Science. Avignon, 74–80.
- Bereuter, P. and Weibel, R., 2010. Generalisation of point data for mobile devices: A problem-oriented approach. In: S. Mustiere and W.A. Mackaness, eds. 13th Workshop on Progress in Generalisation and Multiple Representation. Zurich: ICA Commission on Generalisation and Multiple Representation, 1–8.
Papers in Proceedings
- Bereuter P., Fillekes M.P., Weibel R., 2016, Ambulatory Assessment to Study Mobility and Activity Patterns in Healthy Aging Research. In: Georg Gartner, Haosheng Huang (ed) 13th Conference on Location-Based Services (LBS 2016). Vienna, Austria.
- Fillekes M.P., Bereuter P., Weibel R., 2016, Comparing GPS-based Indicators of Spatial Activity to the Life-Space Questionnaire (LSQ) in Research on Health and Aging. In: Somayeh Dodge, Patrick Laube, Jed Long, Robert Weibel (ed) Analysis of Movement Data (AMD’16). Montreal, Canada.
- Bereuter P., Fillekes M.P., Weibel R., 2016, Analyzing GPS and Accelerometer Data in the Study of the Mobility, Activity and Social Interaction of Older Adults. In: Urska Demsar, Aidan Slingsby RW (ed) Visually-supported Computational Movement Analysis (VCMA 2016). Helsinki, Finland.
- Bereuter, P. and Weibel, R., 2012. Algorithms for on-the-fly generalization of point data using quadtrees. In: Proceedings of the 17th AutoCarto conference. Columbus, OH. 1–16.
- Bereuter, P. and Weibel, R., 2011. A Diagnostic Toolbox for Assessing Point Data Generalisation Algorithms. In: Proceedings of the 25th International Cartographic Conference. Paris, France, 1–10.
CV Pia Bereuter 5 - Venkateswaran, R. and Bereuter, P., 2009. User Adaptive Trip Planner. In: Ordnance Survey Geospatial Mashup Challenge – GISRUK 2009. Durham, UK, 1–5.
- Venkateswaran, R., Bereuter, P., Burghardt, D., and Weibel, R., 2009. The GenW2 Framework: An Architecture for Mobile GIS and Mapping Scenarios. In: AGILE 2009. Hannover, Germany: Leibnitz Universität Hannover, 1–6.
- Bereuter, P., Venkateswaran, R., and Weibel, R., 2009. The use of filters for adaptive mobile mapping scenarios. In: M. Tomko and K. Richter, eds. Proc. AGILE 2009 Workshop on Adaptation in Spatial Communication. Hannover, Germany: Universität Bremen, 39–44.
Weitere Publikationen
- Bereuter Pia, 2015, Quadtree-based Real-time Point Generalisation for Web and Mobile Mapping. PhD thesis, Department of Geography, University of Zurich
- Bereuter Pia, 2008, Visualisation and Analysis of Ionospheric Total Electron Content. MSc thesis, Department of Geography, University of Zurich
- Uni Magazin: "Auf Schritt und Tritt. Datensammeln für mehr Lebensqualität im Alter". Dezember 2015
Keine peer-reviewed Inhalte verfügbar
Beiträge in Zeitschriften, Magazinen oder Zeitungen
Peer-reviewedRöcke, C., Luo, M., Bereuter, P., Katana, M., Fillekes, M., Gehriger, V., Sofios, A., Martin, M., & Weibel, R. (2023). Charting everyday activities in later life. Study protocol of the mobility, activity, and social interactions study (MOASIS). Frontiers in Psychology, 13.
Peer-reviewedHall, M., Bereuter, P., & Geissler, A. (2023). Potential-estimation of thermal micro-grids in urban areas based on heat load and building clustering. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2600(2), 22016.
Peer-reviewedHinrichs, T., Zanda, A., Fillekes, M. P., Bereuter, P., Portegijs, E., Rantanen, T., Schmidt-Trucksäss, A., Zeller, A. W., & Weibel, R. (2020). Map-based assessment of older adults’ life space. Validity and reliability. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 17(1), 1–9.
Peer-reviewedWahbeh, W., Kunz, D., Hofmann, J., & Bereuter, P. (2020). Digital twinning of the built environment. An interdisciplinary topic for innovation in Didactics. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2020(4), 231–237.
Peer-reviewedRaposo, P., Touya, G., & Bereuter, P. (2020). A Change of theme. The role of generalization in thematic mapping. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(6).
Touya, G., Bereuter, P., & Raposo, P. (2020). Editorial. International Journal of Cartography, 6(1).
Peer-reviewedRaposo, P., Touya, G., & Bereuter, P. (2020). A change of theme. The role of generalization in thematic mapping. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 9(6).
Peer-reviewedHinrichs, T., Zanda, A., Fillekes, M. P., Bereuter, P., Portegijs, E., Rantanen, T., Schmidt-Trucksäss, A., Zeller, A. W., & Weibel, R. (2020). Map-based assessment of older adults’ life space. Validity and reliability. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 17(1), 21.
Peer-reviewedBereuter, P., & Weibel, R. (2017). Variable-scale maps in real-time generalisation using a quadtree data structure and space deforming algorithms. International Journal of Cartography, 3(1), 134–147.
Peer-reviewedBereuter, P., & Weibel, R. (2013). Real-time generalization of point data in mobile and web mapping using quadtrees. Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 40(4), 271–281.
Peer-reviewedBereuter, P., Weibel, R., & Burchardt, D. (2013). Content zooming and information exploration for web and mobile maps. Adaptation of real-time map generalisation to the information seeking strategies of web and mobile users. Revue Internationale de Géomatique, 23(3-4), 295–321.
Beiträge in Sammelbänden oder Konferenzschriften
Peer-reviewedBereuter, P., & Hall, M. (2023). Building aggregation to estimate the potential for shared energy generation with heat pumps. In International Cartographic Association (Ed.), Abstracts of the International Cartographic Association (Vol. 6). Copernicus Publications.
Peer-reviewedWahbeh, W., Kunz, D., Hofmann, J., & Bereuter, P. (2020). Digital twinning of the built environment. An interdisciplinary topic for innovation in didactics. In W. Wahbeh (Ed.), ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences: Vol. V-4-2020 (pp. 231–237). Copernicus.
Peer-reviewedWahbeh, W., Kunz, D., Hofmann, J., & Bereuter, P. (2020). Digital twinning of the built environment. An interdisciplinary topic for innovation in didactics. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, V-4-2020, 231–237.
Peer-reviewedBereuter, P., & Robert Weibel. (2016). Ambulatory assessment to study mobility and activity patterns in healthy aging research. In Georg Gartner & Haosheng Hunag (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Location-Based Services (pp. 14–16).
Peer-reviewedStanislawski, L. V., Buttenfield, B. P., Bereuter, P., Savino, S., & Brewer, C. A. (2014). Generalisation operators. In D. Burghardt, C. Duchêne, & W. Mackaness (Eds.), Abstracting geographic information in a data rich world. Methodologies and applications of map generalisation (1 ed., p. 407). Springer.
Prof. Dr. Pia Bereuter
- Angewandte Geoinformationswissenschaften
- Telefonnummer
- +41 61 228 55 57 (Direkt)
- cGlhLmJlcmV1dGVyQGZobncuY2g=
- Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW
Hochschule für Architektur, Bau und Geomatik
Institut Geomatik
Hofackerstrasse 30
4132 Muttenz - Raum 10. OG Ost