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Module description - Advanced Writing
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ECTS 3.0
Level Intermediate
Content The professional lives of engineers, computer scientists and data scientists are characterized by written communication. The two writing competences (basic competence writing and advanced writing) should enable you to deal professionally with texts and the formal requirements of texts in German and English. This ranges from written project communication (e-mails, minutes) to technical reports (project completion reports) for a specific client or essays for a wider public. In the advanced competence, the focus is on writing technical reports and essays.
Learning outcomes Organizing writing
The writing processes are planned individually or collaboratively, depending on the form. The digital tools used (especially in collaborative writing) are chosen appropriately. Students are able to precisely define their addressees and reflect on their writing process. In addition, students practice and deepen what they have learned by giving feedback to their fellow students on their writing objects.

The texts are structured according to the requirements of the text type and the discipline. Students write appropriate reports, product descriptions, meeting minutes or other texts in German and English.

The texts are formulated according to conventions or context and, if possible, using appropriate terminology. Students work with sources (following an academic stylesheet) and combine images (graphs, diagrams, etc.) and written material into a coherent text. Students master scientific language in German and English.

Editing, proof-reading and handing in
Texts are characterized by coherence and cohesion (logic, comprehensibility) and are linguistically accurate (spelling, grammar, punctuation) as well as typographically reader-friendly. Students hand in their texts by a specific deadline.
Evaluation Mark
Built on the following competences Foundation in writing
Modultype Portfolio Module
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