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Media selection


The FHNW Library Solothurn provides a comprehensive range of media. This includes teaching aids and specialised literature in the fields of education, didactics and psychology:

Religious education

Make an appointment with Therese Utiger for religious education consultancy.Ein Bild von Therese Utiger
Therese Utiger
Tel. +41 32 628 66 03
Malina Dahinden will be available on site to answer any questions.Ein Bild von Malina Dahinden
Malina Dahinden
Tel. +41 32 628 66 48

Teachers of religion and people working in church ministry will find a wide range of materials that they can use in their work: Teaching aids, books on religious education and didactics, non-fiction books on religious and ethical topics, storybooks, picture books, songbooks and magazines are available.

Once a quarter we are pleased to invite you to the library café (PDF, 841 KB). Welcome to coffee, conversation and media!