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Institute Contemporary Design Practices (ICDP)

The Institute of Contemporary Design Practices (ICDP) works at the intersection of education, research, knowledge production, and design mediation. It encompasses three fields of study: Fashion Design, Industrial Design, and Interior Architecture & Scenography and offers students, researchers and staff from various disciplines a lively, creative environment to explore and mediate contemporary, reflective design practices.

The Institute of Contemporary Design Practices understands design as a central area of cultural production that molds many areas of daily life and thus as an essential aspect for shaping our society. The institute sees itself as a hybrid platform, offers interchangeable study programs at both Bachelor's and Master's levels, and is connected to the school's Ph.D. programme. These tertiary education opportunities will be complemented in the coming year by design-oriented continuing education programs, which offer individual in-depth study in the field of one's practice, research, and theory. The urgent current discourses around global crises of climate and social inequality are negotiated in design-oriented focus areas such as sustainability & ecology, future-making & technology, interaction & materiality.

The ICDP's goal is to promote the plurality of perspectives and approaches and interdisciplinary exchange. With its labs, the institute offers the ideal platform for the education of current and future designers and provides space for diversity, novelty, criticality, and experimentation. Together, students and staff strive to cultivate diverse perspectives and strengthen individuals' design development and creative paths. In addition, the ICDP is an essential stakeholder in the contemporary Swiss design scene and works regionally, nationally, and internationally with numerous partners from the creative sector and the industry. In the context of these cooperations, we realize relevant research, development, and service projects.

For future-oriented training and research activities, the institute offers three labs: the Digital Integration Lab, the Design Culture Lab, and the Material@Sustainability Lab. The labs are designed as an open space for experimentation and discovery and contribute to the high design quality in teaching and research. A lively infrastructure with workshops, experts, and guest lecturers complements the institute's facilities. The ICDP is actively involved in numerous international and Swiss design and cultural events, festivals, exhibitions, fashion shows, and conferences. The results of projects, research findings, and multiple student awards are regularly disseminated through publications and digital channels.

Bachelor of Arts

Industrial Design

Create impact on life and experience in an ever-changing society by becoming an industrial designer. Aesthetics, utility, materiality, emotional impact, ...

to Industrial Design

Interior Architecture and Scenography

Transforming into a CO2-neutral world without fossil fuels and cultivating a sense of responsibility are significant tasks for design: one of them is to ...

to Interior Architecture and Scenography

Fashion Design

‘Doing Fashion’ is a culture and fashion design is a cultural practice. Fashion is a global and social system that produces paradoxes that we cannot always ...

to Fashion Design

Master of Arts

Masterstudio Industrial Design

Masterstudio Industrial Design provides a high-level, individualised, professional and research-oriented qualification on the basis of “advanced design”. The ...

to Masterstudio Industrial Design

Masterstudio Scenography

In the Studio Scenography programme, students advance their skills of translating complex contents into walk-in spatial images and to inject narrative quality ...

to Masterstudio Scenography

Masterstudio Fashion Design

The way we dress is a powerful form of non-verbal communication that can convey a wide range of messages about our identity, including our cultural background ...

to Masterstudio Fashion Design



Schuhe für Freitag

to Schuhe für Freitag

Kochbesteck aus der Schweiz

to Kochbesteck aus der Schweiz

Wohnbedarf 2016

to Wohnbedarf 2016

SENCO Feuerwehrhelm-Konzept

to SENCO Feuerwehrhelm-Konzept




more Projects (DE)



OSADM (swissuniversities)

to OSADM (swissuniversities)

Initialization Project: New Landscapes of Knowledge and Research

to Initialization Project: New Landscapes of Knowledge and Research

Inklusives 3D-Druckprojekt für orthopädische Kinderschuhe

to Inklusives 3D-Druckprojekt für orthopädische Kinderschuhe
view all Researchproject ICDP

Meet our Team (De)

Who's behind "ICDP"? Get to know the team at the Institute

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Institute Contemporary Design Practices (ICDP)

FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland Basel Academy of Art and Design Institute Contemporary Design Practices (ICDP) Freilager-Platz 1, Postfach 4002 Basel
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Dreispitz Basel

FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland Basel Academy of Art and Design Freilager-Platz 1 4142 Münchenstein near Basel
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