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Asset and Liability Management in Financial Institutions

The Asset and Liability Management (ALM) function is responsible for the efficient management of the financial resources of a financial institution. It manages structural balance sheet risks, including interest rate risk, structural foreign exchange and collateral risk, as well as the risks associated liquidity and funding.

Liquidity management, funding management and capital management are key areas of ALM helping to:

  • ensure that financial institutions always have sufficient liquidity to meet liabilities when due, under both normal and stressed conditions.
  • maintain a balanced portfolio of liabilities that is broadly diversified by market, product and – if necessary - currency.
  • efficiently manage a financial institution’s capital and to fulfill, monitor and forecast regulatory capital requirements.

Based on their in depth understanding of liquidity, capital and funding and the respective needs of financial institutions in the context of different market environments, ALM / Treasury specialists play a key role for the long-term, but also short-term success of a financial institution.

Executive Education for Asset and Liability Management in Financial Institutions

FHNW’s School of Business and our UK-based partner BTRM offer the first and only international double degree in Bank Treasury Risk Management worldwide. Graduates are awarded with the CAS Bank Treasury Risk Management of FHNW and the Certificate of Bank Treasury Risk Management of BTRM.

Continuing Education for Executives

Asset and Liability Management Talks

FHNW’s School of Business offers monthly “Asset and Liability Management Talks” to the global ALM community aiming to provide current insights on relevant ALM topics either in a fully online or hybrid mode.

Past events

11.06.2024 Asset and Liability Management Talk: Interest Rate and Liquidity Risk Management
Speakers: Moorad Choudhry, Founder, The BTRM, Niranjan Sambhus, Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank, Silke Waterstraat, FHNW

29.05.2023 Asset and Liability Management Talk: ESG in Bank Treasury
Moderation: Matthieu Patrice, PWC, Silke Waterstraat, FHNW

Tailor-made classes for financial institutions

Please contact us for tailor-made inhouse classes.
Contact: bm9lbWkuaGVzc0BmaG53LmNo; c2lsa2Uud2F0ZXJzdHJhYXRAZmhudy5jaA==

Thought Leadership

Our partner BTRM offers a Thought Leadership series, which is designed to bring to light latest thinking on the future of banking and finance, including ideas and innovations that will enable the markets to serve consumers and society better.

Publications of the CAS BTRM Faculty