E-mobility: Climate-friendly commuting
In collaboration with numerous universities and business partners, both in Switzerland and abroad, FHNW is addressing the problem of commuter traffic.
Car pools, electromobility
The FHNW Centre for Resource Efficiency is examining whether car pools and electromobility can contribute to reducing CO2 emissions.
More than 34,000 people commute regularly from their homes in the districts of Lörrach and Waldshut to their place of work in Switzerland. The company ABB Schweiz is situated close to the border and employs staff from Germany, too. A preparatory study on the mobility behaviour of employees indicates that more than 80% of commuters use a car with a combustion engine to get to work, and that they travel on their own. The reason that so few people use public transport it said to be a lack of availability.
The project is looking into whether electromobility could contribute to reducing CO2 emissions in commuter traffic and if so, under what conditions. The results will be published in appropriate form as guidelines for companies who wish to promote ecological mobility among their staff. The Centre for Resource Efficiency is responsible for recording travel data and carrying out ecological assessments.
Project information
Implementation |
Centre for Resource Efficiency FHNW |
Projektpartner |
Hochschule Offenburg, Landkreis Waldshut, Bundesland Baden-Württemberg, Kanton Schaffhausen, Hochschule Reutlingen, Landkreis Lörrach, Kanton Aargau, ABB |
Duration | 6 years |
Funding |
Interreg-V |
Project lead |
Webseite |
Klimafreundliches Pendeln |