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IRIS Big Data

Machine learning methodology to detect, analyse and possibly predict solar flares from data provided by NASA's space telescope IRIS.

IRIS Big Data.png


Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) is a NASA Small Explorer Mission designed to observe the transition region between the solar chromosphere and corona. It records around 12 GB of image data every day, amounting to a current total of >35 TB of available data.

Current telescopes deliver huge amounts of data which cannot be handled by traditional methods anymore. This project uses machine learning to detect and analyse solar flares in data from the NASA space telescope IRIS. The new methods are expected to significantly contribute to the understanding of the physics behind solar flares. They will also improve capabilities to predict them, a core element in space weather prediction.


Execution FHNW Institute for Data Science
Duration since 2017
Funding National Research Programme NRP 75 "Big Data"
Project Lead
Prof. Dr. Martin Melchior, Prof. Dr. Samuel Krucker


Prof. Dr. Martin Melchior
Prof. Dr. Martin Melchior

Stv. Leiter Institut für Data Science FHNW

Telephone +41 56 202 77 07 (direct)