With the CAS «Artistic Literacy» participants are introduced to artistic, design-led, communicative educational strategies. They acquire the ability to make creative methods effective for social processes. The topics offered integrate methods from the fields of communication, digitality, fine arts, design, art education and participatory practices. The courses may be combined to form an individual continuing education program according to the participant’s goals. The CAS. «Artistic Literacy» is taught by experienced international arts and design professionals, experienced educators, established artists, and lecturers from HGK Basel FHNW.
Key data
Certificate of Advanced Studies CAS FHNW
ECTS points
Next start
The CAS can be started individually at any time; one can register for the final module if 10 ECTS have been acquired in modules/workshops.
The goal is to earn 10 ECTS over workshop weeks of 2 ECTS each, or half-week workshops of 1 ECTS each. Your chosen workshops are followed by the final module with an integrated certificate thesis about an individual project worth 5 ECTS credits. The final module includes five individual 90-minute coaching sessions. Successful completion of the final module leads to the Certificate of Advanced Studies CAS HGK FHNW "Artistic Literacy".
For the CAS Artistic Literacy, the Institute Arts and Design Education cooperates with the House of Electric Arts Basel, the University of Social Work FHNW, Monte Verità and Digital Identities.
After successful completion of a total of 10 ECTS via participation in modules/workshops of 1-2 ECTS each from the continuing education program of the HGK Basel, it is possible to participate in an individual six-month final module with integrated certificate thesis of 5 ECTS. This final module supports the participants in their individual artistic and creative mediation projects or in their cultural practice. Prof. Dr. Dorothée King and her team are available as mentors for five individual coaching sessions.
With this, participants achieve a total of 15 ECTS points and receive the Certificate of Advanced Studies CAS “Artistic Literacy” of the Institute Arts and Design Education (IADE) of the HGK Basel FHNW.
The CAS programme is open to persons with a university entrance qualification.
Participants gain reflective experience with their own artistic modes of expression and acquire the ability to shape communicative, artistic and design processes. They acquire skills for a competent handling of diverse analog and digital methods of art, culture and design education as well as their application in social and cultural practices. The participants learn how to initiate discussions about design processes in diverse social contexts through artistic, educational, and communicative strategies. They deepen their knowledge of diverse communicative and digital competencies and acquire know-how in networking with various target groups. Participants practice integrating their artistic and cultural processes as open, experimental participatory work.
No prior artistic or technical knowledge is required. All people working in educational, artistic, cultural and communicative contexts are welcome: Teachers, mediators, social workers, cultural mediators, communication experts, FAGE, coaches, team builders, people interested in art, design, museums and culture, etc.
Final module with integrated certificate thesis with Prof. Dr. Dorothée King and team to achieve the CAS Artistic Literacy: CHF 3500.–
Booking during a workshop season: 2 - 2.5 days: 500.– 2 x 2.5 days / 1 week: CHF 900. 2 weeks: CHF 1,700 3 weeks: CHF 2,400 4 weeks: CHF 3,000. 5 weeks: CHF 3,500
Mentoring project programme to obtain the Artistic Literacy CAS: CHF 3,500. Reduced tuition fees for students upon request.
Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW Institute Arts and Design Education (IADE) Freilager-Platz 1 Postfach CH-4002 Basel
Institute Arts and Design Education (IADE)
FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern SwitzerlandBasel Academy of Art and Design,
Institute Arts and Design Education (IADE)
Building: A 1.16Oslo-Strasse 3CH - 4142 Münchenstein near Basel