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COIL Social Engineering

A deep dive into the concepts of social engineering

Meet your professors and learn more about the course


Collaborating Universities
FHNW School of Business

SwissLink Higher Institute of Business and Technology

Responsable Person/Contact

Prof. Dr. Bettina Schneider

Dr. Carlson Eyongabi Ngwa

Course description

Social engineering represents a significant cybersecurity threat and highlights the importance of human factors in security. Social engineering relies on manipulating human psychology, emotions, and behaviors to deceive individuals into divulging confidential information, clicking on malicious links, or performing actions that compromise security. Hereby, the cultural context plays an essential role. Understanding the tactics and cultural differences is crucial for individuals and organizations to defend against social engineering attacks.

More information (Please choose "EN" as language to see the full description)

Collaborative part

  • Interactive lesson/s in an international/intercultural virtual classroom (synchronous)
  • Assignments for international/intercultural pairs (E-tandems) (synchronous/asynchronous)
  • Virtual collaborations via WhatsApp and Google Meet or Zoom

Conditions FHNW-students

  • Cross-country interaction requires time flexibility