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BSc Systems Engineering

The interdisciplinary synthesis of electrical engineering, computer sciences and mechanical engineering.

Key data

Bachelor of Science FHNW in Systems Engineering
ECTS points
Teaching language
German / English


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Equipping a robot with sensitive grippers for awkward installation tasks, networking energy flows and communication instruments in the house of the future or developing the stabilisation system of a satellite: these are examples of automation problems that you will solve as part of the degree programme.

To this end, you will acquire expertise in the fields of mechatronics, technical computer sciences and measurement, control and regulation technology. Technical innovation requires these disciplines to be combined. As a systems engineer, you are optimally trained for this and can competently contribute your own ideas.

Insights into the Systems Engineering degree


Student projects

Project work involving interesting assignments set by industry are a fundamental component of each semester. Students are in contact with clients and suppliers, become familiar with the business environment and can develop their own network of contacts.

Mobile robot for bomb removal

to Mobile robot for bomb removal

Tuner for the bagpipes

to Tuner for the bagpipes

Analysis of the states of consciousness in the brain

to Analysis of the states of consciousness in the brain

FHNW School of Engineering, Brugg-Windisch

FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland School of Engineering Klosterzelgstrasse 2 CH - 5210 Windisch
More information about the location