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A Trip Down Memory Lane: How a semester abroad laid the foundation for my career

A report by Benjamin Otter

The decision to spend a semester abroad was a turning point in my life that set the course of my professional career. At the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim I worked on my MSc in Life Sciences thesis on "Transparent and conducting Indium Tin Oxide thin films by spin coating of an aqueous precursor solution". My time there was more than just an academic adventure; it was the beginning of a journey that led me to where I am today.


My experience in the far north not only gave me the opportunity to deepen my professional knowledge and apply it in practice, but also taught me to think more widely, and adapt to new environments and challenges. Working on my thesis in an international environment significantly improved my English, and developed my ability to adapt to new cultural and academic contexts quickly - a skill that would prove invaluable as my career progressed.

After graduating, my first job was at the FHNW School of Life Sciences as a Scientific Assistant, before moving to a role as process development chemical engineer at Syngenta Münchwilen AG. This is where I really began to see the benefits of my experience abroad. The intercultural skills I had developed, and the ability to adapt quickly to new situations, proved to be invaluable as I progressed through various levels of responsibility - from process engineer, to team leader, to head of a miniplant and then group leader for process engineers, sustainability studies and laboratory automation at various sites in Switzerland.

I now work for Syngenta in the USA as a department head, responsible for setting up a new process development and optimization unit. In this role, I benefit daily from my experience abroad. Insights into other working cultures which I gained in Norway and the resilience I developed there are essential in an international firm like Syngenta, which values global collaboration. The ability to understand and respect cultural differences has helped me lead teams and manage global projects successfully.

I arrived in Trondheim in the cold and rain and without guaranteed accommodation, and had to adapt to a completely new environment. These and other challenges during my semester abroad showed me that flexibility, courage and perseverance are key for professional and personal success. Those qualities have enabled me to make bold decisions, such as working in China for several months or emigrating to the USA never having visited the country.

In conclusion, my international semester was not only an unforgettable adventure but also an investment in my professional future. I would recommend that all students take the chance to spend a semester abroad. Looking back, this decision was one of the main reasons for my professional success and the numerous opportunities I have been given throughout my career.

BO_3.jpgBenjamin Otter

Studied at the FHNW School of Life Sciences:
BSc in Molecular Life Sciences, specialization in Chemistry
MSc in Life Sciences, specialization in Molecular Technologies
Stay abroad during studies:
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim

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FHNW School of Life Sciences

FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland School of Life Sciences Hofackerstrasse 30 CH - 4132 Muttenz
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