Teaching Staff
Our internationally renowned teaching staff at a glance. Listed according to the institutes Klassik, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis and Jazz or alphabetically by surname.
Find the current Master classes and Visiting Professors here.
Schola Cantorum Basiliensis
Teaching staff A-Z Basel academy of music
Lecturer for historical performance voice
Dozent für Oboe
Professorin für Oboe
Drum instructor
Lecturer for Piccolo
Dozentin für Traversflöte
Lecturer for Singing and Lied performance
Piano Main Subject and Second Instrument instructor
Lecturer for lute, Pflichtfach thoroughbass for lute, didactics
Lecturer for Clarinet
Dozent für Pflichtfach Gehörbildung
Lecturer for Composition
Dozentin für Violine, Schola Cantorum Basiliensis
Accompanist, Coach for Voice
Professor of recorder
Lecturer for Audiodesign
Dozent für Gesang und Liedgestaltung
Dozent für Improvisation
Professor für Cembalo
Piano Main Subject instructor
Dozent für Tuba
Assistant of Andrea Marcon for the Harpsichord-Class
E-Bass instructor and didactics teacher
Dozentin für Musikgeschichte, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Mikrofilmarchiv SCB, Leiterin SNF-Projekt
Lecturer for aural training
Lecturer for Bassoon a.i.
Ensemble instructor
Professor für Pflichtfach Klavier und Gehörbildung
lecturer for historical opera and historically informed stage practice
Professor für Cembalo
Lecturer for historical bassoon
Dozent für Laute
Dozent für Improvisation
Realisation/Music performance instructor
Lecturer for Contemporary Music and Open Creation
Dozent für Schlagzeug
Dozentin für Violine
Professor for Voice
Lecturer for Harmony
Piano Main Subject instructor
Lecturer for piano
Lecturer for guitar didactics and Assistant of Stephan Schmidt (Guitar)
Korrepetitor/Coach für Gesang
Lecturer for Elective Subject Orchestra Conducting
Head of MA Performance instrument/voice and MA SP Solo Performance
Dozent für Klavier
Lecturer for chamber music
Assistant of Christian Lampert (French Horn)
Dozent für Pflichtfach Gesang, Gesangsmethodik und –didaktik, Vokalensemble
Dozentin für Pflichtfach Klavier, Correpetitor
Bass instructor
Music history
Professor for Music Education Research
Research associate / Music philosophy
Professor für Traversflöte
Dozent für Schalmai und Pommer
Sound studio practice, musical acoustics
Lecturer in music physiology and music medicine, prevention of playing and health problems, brain physiology for practising and teaching, psychophysiological audition and audition training
Member of the Management Board, Head of Programme Bachelor Renaissance-Romantic and Specialized Master historical performance practice, Advanced Studies
Dozentin für Gesang
Head BA and MA Music in schools I and II, MA Specialised Performance Choral conducting and Wind orchestra conducting
Head of BA Music Jazz
Dozent für Violoncello
Piano Second Instrument instructor
Piano Didactics instructor
Guitar Technique instructor
Lecturer for violin
Dozent für Historische Stimmungen
Dozent für Kammermusik und Liedgestaltung
Head of the Management Board 2024-26, Head of Research Schola Cantorum Basiliensis, Programme Director Theorie Alter Musik, Lecturer for Music History
Composition professor
Head of Music Pedagogy instrumental/vocal
Lecturer for solo and ensemble correpetition
Lecturer for composition
Head of MA SP Music and Research
Head of research, FHNW Basel Academy of Music, Klassik
Dozent für Horn
Dozentin für Sprechen
Head of Programmes Bachelor Medieval-Renaissance and Master Music Pedagogy, Medieval Department (BA, MA), Deputy Head of the Management Board
Clarinet / Saxophone instructor
Lecturer for score playing, choir-specific piano playing and transposing
Dozent für Pflichtfach Generalbass / Cembalo
Dozent für Improvisation
Concert and project management
Dozent für Aufführungspraxis, Nationalstile und Generalbaß (Haupt-/Nebenfach)
Dozentin für Historischer Tanz
Lecturer for violoncello a.i.
Dozent für Plektrumlaute und mittelalterliche Zupfinstrumente, Musikgeschichte, Instrumentenkunde (Mittelalter-Renaissance)
Dozent für Orgel
Jazz-Trumpet instructor
Dozentin für Gesang Mittelalter-Renaissance, Pflichtfach Gesang, "Mythen, Musik und Gedächtnis"
Guitar professor
Lecturer for music theory
Professor für Naturtrompete
Movement and dance techniques, scenic creation
Lecturer for Trombone
Lecturer for Creative Music Technology / Co-Director of the Electronic Studio Basel
Dozent für Cembalo, Pflichtfach Generalbass / Cembalo
Lecturer for Guitar
Lecturer for Medieval Keyboard Instruments, Medieval Recorder
Dozent für Klavier
Piano Second Instrument instructor
Lecturer in clarinet didactics / coordination of music education courses
Trombone instructor
Professorship Music
Professor for Voice
Dozent für Theorie der Alten Musik, historische Satzlehre und Fachdidaktikdozent Musiktheorie
Instrument collection and lending, Lecturer for organology
Professor für Gehörbildung, Blattsingen, Historische Satzlehre Renaissance-Romantik
Trumpet instructor
Rhythm training and didactics teacher
Scientific assistance / main focus on research management
Dozentin für Notation Klassik
Dozentin für Posaune in alter Mensur
Lecturer for Open Creation
lecturer for voice for instrumentalists and Medieval-Renaissance ensemble formations
Dozentin für Fachdidaktik Gesang und Neue vokale Kammermusik
Lecturer for Harp
Bass instructor
Dozent für Violine
Dozentin für Violine
Professor für Viola da Gamba
Lecturer for historical harp, Pflichtfach thoroughbass for harp, didactics
Lecturer in music history, research assistant, co-editor of the SCB research portal
Dozent für Generalbass-Einführungskurs, Generalbass (Pflichtfach), Cembalo (Pflichtfach)
Assistant of Rafael Rosenfeld (Violoncello)
Dozent für Kontrabass
Dozentin für Musikgeschichte, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin Forschung SCB
Accompanist Opernklasse, Coach for Voice
Lecturer for Historical Harp, Focus Medieval and Renaissance Harp
Dozent für Violine in alter Mensur als Variantinstrument
Lecturer for violin
Lecturer for didactic methods violin and viola
Dozent für Querflöte
Head of BA Music and Movement & MA Music Pedagogy in Music and Movement & ad interim Bachelor of Arts instrument/voice
Dozent für Fidel, Renaissance-Viola da gamba, Gehörbildung, Modale Improvisation
Dozent für Violoncello
Drum/Vibraphone instructor
Lecturer for composition and music theory
Assistenz für Viola da Gamba
Lecturer for Wind Orchestra Conducting
Dozent für Orgel
Head of MA Music and Scene in Transformation
Dozent für Klavier
Veranstaltungs- und Forschungssekretariat
Dozentin für Violine in alter Mensur
Dozentin für Cembalo (Pflichtfach), Generalbass
Dozent für Violine und Kammermusik für Streichquartette
Contact for all administrative matters.
Dozent für Trompete
Dozent für Kammermusik und Liedgestaltung
Dozent für Improvisation, Aufführungspraxis
Dozent für Improvisation
Member of the Management Board, Head of Programmes Master in Music Performance, Specialized Masters Improvisation and Thoroughbass, MAS AVES, Scholarships
Sprecherziehung, Stimmpflege und Sprachcoaching
Dozentin für Gesang und Liedgestaltung
Dozentin für Viola
Dozent für Violone/Kontrabass
Dozent für Violoncello in alter Mensur
Professor for Notation
Dozent für Zink
Research staff
Vocal instructor
Lecturer for body training
Dozentin für Viola
Lecturer for Contemporary Music and Open Creation
Lecturer for Trombone and Contemporary Music
Dozent für Klarinette
Dozent für Fortepiano
Saxophone instructor
Drum instructor
Head of Basel Academy of Music, Klassik
Didactics of historical bassoon
Professor für Theorie für alte Musik, historische Satzlehre
Fachdidaktik Barockoboe
Lecturer for composition
Music history
Flute instructor
Dozent für Saxophon und Zeitgenössische Musik
Lecturer for choral conducting
Vibraphone instructor
Head of cross-curricular area at the Institute Klassik, MA SP Chamber music and Lied performance as well as répétiteur for violoncello as a major subject
Lecturer for Percussion
Lecturer for music theory
Lecturer for historical horns
Head of MA Musical Performance – Jazz Producing/Performance