Prof. Dr. Michael von Kutzschenbach
Prof. Dr. Michael von Kutzschenbach
Activites at FHNW
- Studies of Forest and Environmental Sciences at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Germany) and NMBU (Norway)
- Doctoral studies at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Germany)
Professional focus
- Professor of Digital Management
- Consultant and initiator in the field of organization development and sustainability
- Know-how and service providers for FHNW’s knowledge and technology transfer
- Lecturing in the MSc BIS on topics of digital transformation and sustainability
- Lecturing in the FHNW’s iMBA
- Impacts of digitization on sustainable corporate management
- Digitalization and sustainable entrepreneurship
No peer reviewed content available
Peer reviewedWyss, A., von Kutzschenbach, M., Hoveskog, M., Tell, J., Khitous, F., & Norris, N. (2024). Piloting innovative forms of nature-based learning in business schools. Shifting mindsets for regenerative futures and business models to emerge. In Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa (Ed.), NBM2024. 9th International Conference on New Business Models. Mondragon Unibertsitatea.
Wyss, A., von Kutzschenbach, M., & Meyer, R. (2023). Der TT-BMI Design Sprint Ansatz zur Initiierung von Geschäftsmodellinnovationen für Nachhaltigkeit mit Studierenden und KMUs. Institut für Unternehmensführung.
Peer reviewedvon Kutzschenbach, M., Wyss, A., Kerr, I., & Frasca, J. (2023). Challenging the existing approach to business model innovation for sustainability. How might a co-emergent approach to change move us beyond the “(Business) Model” paradigm. New Business Models Conference Proceedings 2023. International Conference on New Business Models.
von Kutzschenbach, M., & Daub, C.-H. (2023). Digitale Transformation für Nachhaltigkeit: Eine notwendige technische und mentale Revolution. In R. Dornberger (ed.), Neue Trends in Wirtschaftsinformatik und eingesetzte Technologien. Digitale Innovation und digitale Transformation (pp. 189–204). Springer.
Peer reviewedHinz, A., von Kutzschenbach, M., & Meyer, R. (2022). Creating social impact with startup incubator programs for refugees. Using social entrepreneurship to accelerate integration. In L. Michelini, A. Minà, & P. Alaimo Di Loro (Eds.), Sustainable business model challenges. Economic recovery and digital transformation (pp. 223–227). LUMSA University.
Peer reviewedvon Kutzschenbach, M., Wyss, A., Hoveskog, M., & Tell, J. (2022). Leveraging business model innovation for sustainability. Tentative principles to support true co-creation between students and SMEs. In L. Michelini, A. Minà, & P. Alaimo Di Loro (Eds.), Sustainable business model challenges. Economic recovery and digital transformation (pp. 1087–1091). LUMSA University.
Peer reviewedZeijlemaker, S., Rouwette, E. A. J. A., Cunico, G., Armenia, S., & von Kutzschenbach, M. (2022). Decision-makers’ understanding of cyber-security’s systemic and dynamic complexity: insights from a board game for bank managers. Systems, 10(2), 49.
Wyss, A., von Kutzschenbach, M., & Meyer, R. (2021). Inter- und Transdisziplinäre Innovationsansätze mit Studierenden und Firmen: Analyse und Bewertung von bestehenden Best-Practice-Fällen und Ansätzen. Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW.
Peer reviewedWyss, A., & von Kutzschenbach, M. (2021). Educating for sustainability-oriented business model innovation. More collaborative, inter-, and transdisciplinary approaches with students and organizations are needed. International Transdisciplinarity Conference 2021. Creating Spaces and Cultivating Mindsets for Learning and Experimentation, 43–44.
Wyss, A., von Kutzschenbach, M., & Meyer, R. (2021). Studierende innovieren zukunftsfähige Geschäftsmodelle für KMUs: Übersicht zu bestehenden Initiativen und Ansätzen. Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW.
Peer reviewedWyss, A., Meyer, R., & von Kutzschenbach, M. (2021). Sustainable business model innovation for society 5.0. Towards a collaborative, inter- and transdisciplinary approach with students and organizations. In A. Gerber & K. Hinkelmann (Eds.), Society 5.0 2021. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Society 5.0 (Vol. 2, pp. 246–261).
Peer reviewedDe Maere, K., De Haes, S., von Kutzschenbach, M., & Huygh, T. (2021). Identifying the enablers and inhibitors of organizational learning in the context of IT governance: an exploratory Delphi study. Information Systems Management, 39(3), 241–268.
von Kutzschenbach, M., & Daub, C.-H. (2020). Digital transformation for sustainability: a necessary technical and mental revolution. In R. Dornberger (Ed.), New trends in business information systems and technology. Digital Innovation and digital business transformation (pp. 179–192). Springer.
Peer reviewedWyss, A., & von Kutzschenbach, M. (2020). How to better educate for more sustainability. Entrepreneurship for sustainability in business schools. In J. Jonker & N. Faber (Eds.), Proceedings 5th international online conference on new business models (pp. 302–313).
Peer reviewedZeijlemaker, S., & von Kutzschenbach, M. (2020). Cybersecurity dynamics in software development environment. What system traps do exist? Proceedings of the 38th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. 38th international conference of the system dynamics society.
von Kutzschenbach, M. (2020). Die Interdependenz von Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit als Chance der unternehmerischen Transformation. In M. H. Dahm & S. Thode (eds.), Digitale Transformation in der Unternehmenspraxis. Mindset - Leadership - Akteure - Technologien (pp. 201–217). Springer.
Peer reviewedLuthe, T., & von Kutzschenbach, M. (2020). Virtualisierung sozialer Outdoor-Erlebnisse: Chancen und Grenzen der Bildung für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung in Zeiten von Covid-19. e&l - erleben und lernen, 3/4, 19–25.
Peer reviewedvon Kutzschenbach, M., & Daub, C.-H. (2019). Entrepreneurship for sustainable innovation. Changing the system to the better. In F. Lüdeke-Freund & T. Froese (Eds.), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on New Business Models. New Business Models for sustainable entrepreneurship, innovation, and transformation (pp. 358–362). ESCP Europe.
von Kutzschenbach, M., & Milow, U. (2019). Mit digitalen Geschäftsmodellen zur Circular Economy. In A. H. Verkuil, K. Hinkelmann, & M. Aeschbacher (eds.), Digitalisierung und andere Innovationsformen im Management (pp. 63–85). edition gesowip.
Peer reviewedInglese, T., von Kutzschenbach, M., & Witschel, H. F. (2019). Enhancing reflective practices within business management education: what kinds of e-learning scenarios can be designed? IC4E ’19. 10th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management and E-Learning, 108–113.
von Kutzschenbach, M., Schmid, A., & Schoenenberger, L. (2018). Using feedback systems thinking to explore theories of digital business for medtech companies. In R. Dornberger (Ed.), Business information systems and technology 4.0. New trends in the age of digital change (pp. 161–175). Springer.
Peer reviewedvon Kutzschenbach, M., & Brønn, C. (2017). Education for Managing Digital Transformation: A Feedback Systems Approach. In N. Callaos, B. Sanchez, M. Savoie, F. Welsch, & J. V. Carrasquero (Eds.), 8th International Conference on Society and Information Technologies (ICSIT 2017) (pp. 187–192). International Institute of Informatics and Systemics (IIIS).
Peer reviewedvon Kutzschenbach, M., & Brønn, C. (2017). Education for managing digital transformation: a feedback systems approach. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 15(2), 14–19.
Peer reviewedDe Maere, K., De Haes, S., & von Kutzschenbach, M. (2017). CIO Perspectives on Organizational Learning within the Context of IT Governance. International Journal of IT/Business Alignment and Governance, 8(1), 1–16.
von Kutzschenbach, M., Mittemeyer, P., & Wagner, W. (2017). Antithetic Leadership: Designers Are Different, Business People Too. In G. Oswald & M. Kleinemeier (Eds.), Shaping the Digital Enterprise. Trends and Use Cases in Digital Innovation and Transformation (pp. 93–107). Springer.
Peer reviewedvon Kutzschenbach, M. (2017). And Then a Miracle Occurs - Engaging the challenge of operationalizing theories of success in digital transformation. Journal of Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 15(6), 101–105.
Luthe, T., & von Kutzschenbach, M. (2016). Building Common Ground in Mental Models of Sustainability. Sustainability: The Journal of Record, 9(5), 247–254.
von Kutzschenbach, M., & Zhong, J. (2016). Frischer (Fahrt-)Wind. Unternehmer Zeitung, 11, 22–23.
Peer reviewedvon Kutzschenbach, M., & Brønn, C. (2014, June 20). Engaging Sustainability - A Multilevel Approach to Strategic Sustainability Challenges. 20th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
von Kutzschenbach, M. (2013, June 1). Zukunftsfähige Organisationsentwicklung. Nachhaltig wirtschaften. Unternehmer Zeitung, 42–43.
von Kutzschenbach, M. (2012, May 13). China’s transition to a knowledge-based society. 360° The Business Transformation Journal, 304–322.
von Kutzschenbach, M. (2011). Wirtschaftsmeditation - Lösungen für das Projektmanagement. Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht, 30–31.
von Kutzschenbach, M., & Brønn, C. (2010). You can’t teach understanding, you construct it: applying social network analysis to organizational learning. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 83–92.
von Kutzschenbach, M. (2008). Enhancing learning capability: The role of social network structures and processes on organizational learning. VDM.
von Kutzschenbach, M., & Brogt, T. (2006). Forstunternehmen in Deutschland: Anforderungen erkennen und ihnen erfolgreich begegnen. AFZ - Der Wald, 291–293.
von Kutzschenbach, M., & Brønn, C. (2006). Communicating sustainable development initiatives: applying co-orientation to forest management certification. Journal of Communication Management, 304–322.
No peer reviewed content available
TT-BMI - Think Tank Business Model Innovation
2021–2023, von Kutzschenbach. MichaelDas Projekt TT-BMI findet im Rahmen des Aufrufs für grenzüberschreitende Projekte durch die Interkantonale Koordinationsstelle bei der Regio Basiliensis statt. Ziel des Projekts ist der Aufbau und die Etablierung eines grenzüberschreitenden(r) interd...
SAP Banking Study
1.12.2012–30.6.2014, von Kutzschenbach. MichaelThe banking industry is moving towards a new paradigm in managing risk, return, liquidity, and capital simultaneously and forward-looking. In order to better understand these needs and requirements of banks, which are driven by changes in regulation...
EA Training
1.5.2012–30.6.2013, von Kutzschenbach. Michael -
Business Transformation Academy
1.4.2011–31.3.2013, von Kutzschenbach. MichaelThe rapidly changing economic, social, and environmental frameworks call for a more (pro)active response from the of decision makers. To meet these challenges, we developed in 2009 the concept of the Business Transformation Academy (BTA) as a joint c...
No peer reviewed content available
Peer reviewedPavlova, P., Wyss, A., von Kutzschenbach, M., & Daub, C.-H. (2023). A practical recipe for open innovation for the circular economy. Business Model Conference.
Peer reviewedWyss, A., & von Kutzschenbach, M. (2023). Problem-based action learning for sustainability innovation between students and companies. Business Model Conference.
Peer reviewedvon Kutzschenbach, M., & Zeijlemaker, S. (2021). Supply and service chain dynamics in a digital age. Going beyond the traditional usage of honeypot data. 2021 International System Dynamics Conference.
Peer reviewedWyss, A., Meyer, R., & von Kutzschenbach, M. (2021). Sustainable business model innovation for society 5.0. Towards a collaborative inter- & transdisciplinary approach with students and organizations. Society 5.0 Integrating Digital World and Real World to Resolve Challenges in Business and Society.
von Kutzschenbach, M. (2017, March 21). Keynote: “And then a miracle occurs …” - engaging the challenge of operationalizing theories of success in digital transformation. The 8th International Conference on Society and Information Technologies: ICSIT 2017.
Prof. Dr. Michael von Kutzschenbach
- Lecturer, Institute of Management
- Telephone
- +41 61 279 17 70 (direct)
- bWljaGFlbC52b25rdXR6c2NoZW5iYWNoQGZobncuY2g=
- FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
School of Business
Peter Merian-Strasse 86
CH – 4052 Basel