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Prof. Dr. Miriam Langer

Prof. Dr. Miriam Langer

Prof. Dr. Miriam Langer

Activities at the FHNW

  • Professor for Ecotoxicology
  • Group Leader Ecotoxicology
  • Head of the Bachelor program environmental sciences and technology
  • Lecturer in various lectures (Master and Bachelor) and head of diverse practical courses


  • Environmental Risk Assessment (Master)
  • Introduction to Environmental Sciences (Bachelor)
  • Introduction to Ecotoxicology (Bachelor)
  • Molecular Toxicology (Bachelor)
  • Toxicology (Bachelor)
  • Environmental Law
  • Lab Training Ecotoxicology (Bachelor)
  • Supervision of lab interships (Bachelor)
  • Supervision of Bachelor's and Master's theses
  • Continuing education: Environment and health

Joint professorship Eawag-FHNW School of Life Sciences

Miriam Langer's joint professorship at Eawag - FHNW School of Life Sciences focuses on the training of specialists in the field of applied ecotoxicology. Another aim of the collaboration between the FHNW School of Life Sciences and Eawag, the ETH Domain's aquatic research institute, is to carry out and promote joint ecotoxicology projects. In this way, research approaches should increasingly find their way into practice.Miriam Langer's joint professorship at Eawag - FHNW School of Life Sciences focuses on the training of specialists in the field of applied ecotoxicology. Another aim of the collaboration between the FHNW School of Life Sciences and Eawag, the ETH Domain's aquatic research institute, is to carry out and promote joint ecotoxicology projects. In this way, research approaches should increasingly find their way into practice.

Institut für Ecopreneurship

Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW Hochschule für Life Sciences Institut für Ecopreneurship Hofackerstrasse 30 4132 Muttenz