Prof. Robert Buttery
Prof. Robert Buttery
Activities at FHNW
- Internationalisation
- Lecturer in Management and International Studies
Appointed Head of International Relations for the School of Business FHNW in 2008, Robert Buttery's work portfolio includes international issue monitoring for key operational and strategic decisions and their implementation. Robert lectures in Management and International Studies at the FHNW. He represents and promotes his university at Swiss and major international conferences, events and meetings, at which he gives presentations and runs workshops on student and faculty mobility, the use of social media, study destination marketing and higher education international networking strategies. In 2008, in joint partnership with Canadian universities, Robert successfully launched an intensive and ground-breaking programme (Canadian Academics Studying Europe-CASE) for faculty from Canadian business schools. CASE was awarded the BCCIE Award for Outstanding Programme in 2013 and the CBIE Panorama Award for Outstanding International Education Program in Capacity Building in 2014. Robert has lead several student and faculty mobility programs within university international consortiums and is an expert for program innovation, curriculum internationalisation and mobility. Robert sits on the EAIE Joint Leadership Board (2016-2018) as the elected Chair for the EAIE Business Education Expert Community. He is an active member on various international higher education committees.
No peer reviewed content available
Peer reviewedGöldi, S., Buttery, R., & Thees, O. (2024). Internationalisation@home with Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL). Ukraine-Friedenskonferenz auf dem Bürgenstock.
Peer reviewedButtery, R., & Göldi, S. (2023). Green, mean or sheen? Balancing student mobility exchange programmes sustainably. Towards an integrated approach to international student experience. APAIE Conference 2023.
Peer reviewedButtery, R., Swennenhuis, M., & Betts, A. (2023). A rising tide against internationalisation: Go with the flow or swim against the current? International Conference European Association for International Education EAIE.
Peer reviewedButtery, R., & Göldi, S. (2022). Transforming traditional models of international mobility to create new dynamics. International student projects (ISPs) at School of Business FHNW and their covid-related transformation. APAIE Conference 2022.
Peer reviewedButtery, R. (2021). Managing educational experiences, student expectations and tuition fees. Is it possible to find the right balance? 2021 EAIE Community Exchange.
Peer reviewedButtery, R. (2018). Switzerland’s Imperative to face outwards. EAIE Conference Conversation Starter.
Prof. Robert Buttery
- Head of International Relations
- Telephone
- +41 62 957 22 32 (direct)
- cm9iZXJ0LmJ1dHRlcnlAZmhudy5jaA==
- FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
School of Business
Riggenbachstrasse 16
CH – 4600 Olten - room B227