Prof. Dr. Sabina Heuss
Prof. Dr. Sabina Heuss
Activities at FHNW
- Lecturer
- Co-head Focus Healthcare
Sabina Heuss is an anthropologist and scientist in communication and media studies. After senior positions in marketing and communication, she is currently working as a lecturer with a teaching and research assignment at the Institute of Competitiveness and Communication. She also gives lectures at the universities of Bern and Basel in the field of health care. Her research interests include communication in health care, robots and self-learning systems in physician-patient communication, communication campaigns in hospital settings, change communication, crisis communication.
- 2013-2018: Executive Master in Business Administration (Executive MBA FH) in Medical Management, University of Applied Sciences PHW Bern
- 2017 ongoing: Certificate Higher Education, University Basel
- 2002-2007: Dissertation Technical University of Munich (TUM), Institute for Sport, Media and Communication, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Josef Hackforth (accepted 10/12/2007)
- 1995 - 2001: University Basel, Lic. phil.-hist. (Master) Anthropology, Media and Communication Sciences, Comparative Linguistics
- 1995: Università Pavia (Italy), Erasmus program
- 1998: University Melbourne (Australia), Erasmus program
- 1993-1994: University Basel, Medical Faculty
Employment history
- 2017 - to date: University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northern Switzerland, Olten, Institute for Competitiveness and Communication, Lecturer and researcher in communication, health communication, robotics in health systems, change communication.
- 2012 – 2017: University Hospital Basel, Director Marketing & Communication
- 2009 – 2012: FIFA Zurich, Group Leader Marketing Communication & Research
- 2006 – 2009: Multipartner S.p.A., Rome (Italy), Director Marketing
- 2004 – 2005: Federazione Italiana Giuoco Calcio (FIGC), Rome, Italy, International Department
- 2004 – 2005: Blick, Sportjournalistin
- 2003 – 2005: Doctoral Studies, Technical University of Munich
- 2002: Messmer and Partner, Basel, Communication and Public Relation Specialist
- 2001: Basel United Stadion-Management, Fussballstadion St. Jakob Park Basel, Director Communication
- 2022 ongoing: FHNW School of Businesst
Lecture “Wirtschaftskommunikation 3”, Degree Programmes - 2021 ongoing: Programme Head CAS Digital Marketing, Communication & Management in Healthcare.
- 2021: Presentations on Leadership Communication in Swiss Hospitals (Kantonsspital Olten, Inselspital Bern, Kantonsspital Aarau, FMH und andere)
- 2021: Forum Covid-Impfung für Gesundheitsfachpersonen: Was brauche ich, um mich gut entscheiden zu können? (Informationspodium von Public Health Schweiz)
- 2020: Universität Bern, Klinik für Zahnmedizin. Kurs Kommunikation und Marketing. MAS Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
- 2019 ongoing: University Bern, Lecturer «Communication Management with patients, parents, staff and third parties”, MAS Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics
- 2018 ongoing: University Basel, Lecturer «Kommunikationsmanagement und Umgang mit Medien». CAS Sport physiotherapy.
- 2016 ongoing: University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland School of Business, “Business Communication”
- 2016 ongoing: University Bern, Lecturer „Schwerwiegende medizinische Fälle im Spital“. MAS Health Management.
- 2007-2009: University La Sapienza, Rome (Italy), Lecturer «Analisi del fenomeno sportivo». Prof. Dr. Luciano Russi, MAS sport and communication
2022 SNSF Science communication for apprentices
- Role: Principal Investigator
- Funding: SNSF (Swiss National Science Foundation) Agora Call
Research project to inform adolescents and young adults about specific and current evidence in the domain of health research, and to further educate them on the research process in general. Development of short videos that presents a scientific result.
2022 From testers to co-creators: the value and approaches to successful patient engagement in the development of digital health solutions
- Role: Researcher
- Funding: Innosuisse Innovation Cheque
Research project with industrial partner to create a research-based end-to-end practical blueprint that can help to successfully engage patients as co-creators in all human-centered design phases rather than mere testers of preplanned prototypes, as mostly is the case in the current practices.
2021-2022 Gewinnbringendes Zielgruppen- und Pricingkonzept bei Werbeverbot und Jugendschutz beim Pilotversuch Cannabisprodukte
- Role: Principal Investigator
- Funding: Innosuisse Innovation Cheque
Research project with industrial partner within the framework of the research agenda for the regulation of non-medical cannabis use in Switzerland commissioned by the Federal Office of Public Health.
2021- (open) IPLZ Facilitators for interprofessional learning and collaboration
- Role: Principal Investigator
- Funding: Vontobel Foundation
Accompanying research for a competence development program at the University Hospital Basel. New type of learning program for interprofessional cooperation between doctors and nurses. The joint approach to patients leads to an improvement in clinical quality, an increase in patient safety and patient satisfaction. In addition, the satisfaction of the staff and the effects of the program on the individual professional groups are of particular interest. In addition to the above-mentioned improvements, the program should help to improve the tight situation on the health labour market and the effects on the health and job satisfaction of the employees.
2019- 2022 Bridging the gap in health associated influenza prevention programs (Innosuisse Innovation Project)
- Role Principal Investigator
- Funding: Innosuisse
The transfer of research results into hospital life is one of the biggest challenges in health research. The present research project tackles the two largest challenges (the Know-Do-Gap and the problem of scaling-up) in the transfer of the theory into practice.
2018-2019 Communication in Swiss hospitals (FMH, VSAO and other medical institutions)
- Role: Principal Investigator
- Funding: Funded through Clariant Foundation and medical institutions (Berufsverband Schweizer Ärztinnen und Ärzte (FMH),
Verband der Schweizer Assistenz- und Oberärztinnen und -ärzte (VSAO), Nationaler Verband der öffentlichen und privaten Schweizer Spitäler, Kliniken und Pflegeinstitutionen (H+), Verband Leitender Spitalärztinnen und –ärzte Schweiz (VLSS), Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Chirurgie (SGC), Schweizerisches Institut für ärztliche Weiter- und Fortbildung (SIWF), Forum Junger Chirurgen (FJC).
Swiss wide online survey including all physicians working in in-patients clinics and hospitals. The aim of the research project is to interrogate mutual expectations regarding communication in Swiss hospitals, identify communication challenges between different generations taking into consideration different value orientation, identify correlations of items, especially on job satisfaction, and develop solutions for leadership communication, education and training in medicine. We used qualitative research methods for the derivation of the results for the preparation of the questionnaire and quantitative research methods for the standardized survey. The evaluation will use multivariate, statistical analysis (descriptive evaluations, regression model, factor analyses). The evaluations will be finished in January / February 2020 with a final report.
No peer reviewed content available
Felder, J., & Heuss, S. (2024). Förderung von AI Literacy als Schlüsselkompetenz. Ein Pilotprojekt. Journal für Schreibwissenschaft (JoSCH), 15(26), 37–48.
Peer reviewedSolmi, M., Thompson, T., Estradé, A., Agorastos, A., Radua, J., Cortese, S., Dragioti, E., Vancampfort, D., Thygesen, L. C., Aschauer, H., Schlögelhofer, M., Aschauer, E., Schneeberger, A., Huber, C. G., Hasler, G., Conus, P., Do Cuénod, K. Q., von Känel, R., Arrondo, G., et al. (2024). Global and risk-group stratified well-being and mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic in adults. Results from the international COH-FIT Study. Psychiatry Research, 342(115972).
Peer reviewedSchneeberger, A. R., Werthmüller, S., Barco, S., & Heuss, S. (2023). Patients’ preference regarding inpatient versus outpatient setting ‐ A systematic review. International Journal of Health Planning and Management, 38(5), 1409–1419.
Peer reviewedHeuss, S., Zachlod, C., & Miller, B. T. (2023). ‘Social’ media? How Swiss hospitals used social media platforms during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Public Health, 219, 53–60.
Peer reviewedJacob, C., Lindeque, J. P., Klein, A., Ivory, C., Heuss, S., & Peter, M. K. (2023). Assessing the quality and impact of eHealth tools: systematic literature review and narrative synthesis. JMIR Human Factors, 10.
Peer reviewedZoltan, K., Gupta, R., Heuss, S., Fehr, T., Ebneter, M., Maier, T., Meier, T., Bux, D., Thackaberry, J., & Schneeberger, A. R. (2023). Serious games and gamification: health care workers’ experience, attitudes, and knowledge. Academic Psychiatry, 47, 169–173.
Peer reviewedSolmi, M., Estradé, A., Thompson, T., & Heuss, S. (2022). The collaborative outcomes study on health and functioning during infection times in adults (COH-FIT-Adults): design and methods of an international online survey targeting physical and mental health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Affective Disorders, 299, 393–407.
Heuss, S., & Datta, S. (2022). Kommunikation. Ein wichtiger Schlüssel für zufriedene Ärztinnen und Ärzte im Spital. SAMW Bulletin, 1, 1–4.
Peer reviewedJacob, C., Bourke, S., & Heuss, S. (2022). From testers to co-creators. The value and approaches to successful patient engagement in the development of eHealth solutions - qualitative expert interviews study. JMIR Human Factors, 9(4).
Peer reviewedHeuss, S., Zimmerli, L., & Schneeberger, A. R. (2022). How do physicians from two generations communicate with each other? Cogent Social Sciences, 8(1).
Peer reviewedHeuss, S., Schneeberger, A. R., & Claussen, M. C. (2020). Sports Psychiatry. Women’s mental health in elite sports – we are missing the complexity. SEMS-Journal, 68(4), 42–45.
Peer reviewedFears, T., Heuss, S., & Miller, B. T. (2020). Skills for digital transformation. Is educating specialists sabotaging digital transformation? In M. K. Peter (Ed.), Neues Wissen zur Digitalen Transformation. Forschungsbeiträge zu E-Government, zur Smart City und der digitalen Ökonomie (pp. 34–45). Davos Digital Forum.
Schneeberger, A. R., Gupta, R., & Heuss, S. (2020). Gamification - ein neuer Lernansatz in der Psychiatrie? Leading Opinions. Neurology and Psychiatry, 1, 25–27.
Peer reviewedHeuss, S., & Schneeberger, A. (2019). Tarifsystem Tarpsy. Ein Jahr nach der Einführung: Ein Stimmungsbild. InFo Neurologie + Psychiatrie, 17(2), 37–39.
Peer reviewedHeuss, S., Schwartz, B. J., & Schneeberger, A. R. (2018). Second opinions in psychiatry. A review. Journal of Psychiatric Practice, 24(6), 434–442.
No peer reviewed content available
Peer reviewedFelder, J., Heuss, S., & Callegaro, E. (2024). AI literacy as a threshold concept. Fostering sustainable AI education. Higher Education Summit Conference “Co-creating change for sustainability”.
Peer reviewedHeuss, S., Gupta, R., & Schneeberger, A. R. (2019). Socio-scientific input from communication sciences enrich medical education and training of psychiatrists and psychotherapists. Psychiatric Services Grisons Conference.
Prof. Dr. Sabina Heuss
- Lecturer, Institute for Competitiveness and Communication
- Telephone
- +41 62 957 28 57 (direct)
- c2FiaW5hLmhldXNzQGZobncuY2g=
- FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
School of Business
Riggenbachstrasse 16
CH – 4600 Olten