Safak Korkut
Safak Korkut
Activities at FHNW
Lecturer, Competence Center Technology, Organisation & People
Since 2009, Safak Korkut, M.A, has been working as a research assistant at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) at the Institute for Information Systems. Before that, he worked at the Academy of Art and Design (HGK) FHNW and the School of Business (HSW) FHNW as an interdisciplinary design researcher. After his studies at the HGK in the Master of Arts in Visual Communication and Iconic Research and the writing of a successful Master’s thesis entitled "Creating Individual Experiences Through Non-Linear Network Structures in Moving Images", he co-founded the company YAAY Visualizing Complexity, where he worked as a designer and data storyteller. Since 2010, he has worked in various visualization projects with YAAY, some of which were awarded International Design Awards. In 2015, as a member of YAAY, he conducted a design and data visualization workshop at the Design School of the University of Cincinnati (USA).
At the School of Business FHNW, Safak Korkut participates as a design and data visualization researcher in the Strategic Initiative Ageing Society (2015) in the Project Age Atlas and the CTI Project Biocompass (2016), in which an interface for the visualization of blood values was created. Before that, he was part of the team of the Strategic Initiative Scientific Communication (2012) and project leader of the team of the School of Art and Design in the Strategic Initiative Simulated Reality (2013). He works at the competence center New Trends & Innovations and teaches among other things Application-Oriented Video Communication and Production in the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (International Management), as well as Games and Gamification in Elective Social Media and Customer Experience in the Master of Science in International Management, Gamified Technologies towards New Business Models in the Elective Innovative Topics in Information Systems in the Master of Science in Business Information Systems, Business Photography in Business Networking and Social Media Elective. Together with Janine Jäger, he carries out various workshops on new technologies and interdisciplinary research models at the HSW and at external organizations and conferences. He has written scientific publications on the topics of Gamification, Learning Games, Data Analysis and Data Visualization in various fields together with other researchers. Since 2013, he has mentored bachelor and Master’s theses in the fields of Virtual Reality, New Technologies, Ambient Sensors, Gamification and Data Visualization.
Master of Science in Business Information Systems
- Lecturer in Innovative Technologies in Information Systems
- Co-supervisor of student projects in Applying Research Methodologies
- Co-supervisor of master’s theses
Master of Science in International Management
- Guest lecturer in Elective Module Social Media and Customer Experience
Master of Advanced Studies in Online Marketing Management
- Guest lecturer in Module Mobile and Cross Media
Bachelor of Science in Wirtschaftsinformatik (German)
- Supervisor and co-supervisor of student projects and bachelor’s theses
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (International Management)
- Minor in Digital Media
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Peer reviewedJäger, J., Korkut, S., Inglese, T., & Schmiedel, T. (2023). Introducing case study audio podcasts in business and information systems studies. In L. Gómez Chova, C. González Martínez, & J. Lees (Eds.), EDULEARN23. Conference proceedings. 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma (Spain), 3rd-5th of July, 2023 (pp. 4097–4105).
Peer reviewedGredig, D., Bigoni, D., Bogdanovic, J., Weber, P., & Korkut, S. (2023). Digitalising qualitative social research? On the potential of digital features to enhance data collection in qualitative research: the example of a virtual reality serious game in a qualitative research project. European Social Work Research, 1(1), 118–139.
Garbani-Nerini, E., Korkut, S., & De Ascaniis, S. (2022). Better: Digital media can make tourism experiences at heritage destinations better. In S. De Ascaniis & L. Cantoni (Eds.), Handbook on heritage, sustainable tourism and digital media (pp. 108–128). Edward Elgar.
Dettwiler, R., Korkut, S., & Berger, F. (2021). Project new urban habit. Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW.
Peer reviewedWinkel, D. J., Brantner, P., Lutz, J., Korkut, S., Linxen, S., & Heye, T. (2020). Gamification of electronic learning in radiology education to improve diagnostic confidence and reduce error rates. American Journal of Roentgenology, 214(3), 618–623.
Peer reviewedSulger, M., Korkut, S., & Dornberger, R. (2020). Augmented reality to complement printed guidebooks with dynamic information: a case study in planning a climbing tour. 6th International AR & VR Conference (ARVR2020).
Inglese, T., & Korkut, S. (2020). Modeling the instructional design of a language training for professional purposes, using augmented reality. In R. Dornberger (Ed.), New trends in business information systems and technology (pp. 205–222). Springer.
Menon, D., Korkut, S., Inglese, T., & Dornberger, R. (2020). Using mobile sensing on smartphones for the management of daily life tasks. In R. Dornberger (Ed.), New trends in business information systems and technology. Digital innovation and digital business transformation (pp. 63–79). Springer.
Korkut, S., Mele, E., & Cantoni, L. (2020). User experience and usability: the case of augmented reality. In Z. Xiang, M. Fuchs, U. Gretzel, & W. Höpken (Eds.), Handbook of e-tourism (pp. 1–22). Springer.
Frey, G., Jurkschat, A., Korkut, S., Lutz, J., & Dornberger, R. (2019). Intuitive hand gestures for the interaction with information visualizations in virtual reality. In T. Jung & M. C. tom Dieck (Eds.), Augmented reality and virtual reality. The power of AR and VR for business (pp. 261–273). Springer.
Armingeon, M., Komani, P., Zanwar, T., Korkut, S., & Dornberger, R. (2019). A case study: assessing effectiveness of the augmented reality application in Augusta Raurica. In M. C. tom Dieck & T. Jung (Eds.), Augmented reality and virtual reality. The power of AR and VR for business (pp. 99–111). Springer.
Dornberger, R., Korkut, S., Lutz, J., Berga, J., & Jäger, J. (2018). Prototype-based research on immersive virtual reality and on self-replicating robots. In R. Dornberger (Ed.), Business information systems and technology 4.0. New trends in the age of digital change (pp. 257–274). Springer.
Peer reviewedPochon, Y., Dornberger, R., Zhong, J., & Korkut, S. (2018). Investigating the democracy behavior of swarm robots in the case of a best-of-n selection. In S. Sundaram (Ed.), Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI 2018) (pp. 743–748).
Jüngling, S., Lutz, J., Korkut, S., & Jäger, J. (2018). Innovation potential for human computer interaction domains in the digital enterprise. In R. Dornberger (Ed.), Business information systems and Technology 4.0. New trends in the age of digital change (pp. 243–256). Springer.
Dornberger, R., Inglese, T., Korkut, S., & Zhong, J. (2018). Digitalization: yesterday, today and tomorrow. In R. Dornberger (Ed.), Business information systems and technology 4.0. New trends in the age of digital change (pp. 1–11). Springer.
Peer reviewedKorkut, S., Gawlik-Rau, P., Dornberger, R., & Linxen, S. (2017). The Impact of Lego® Models in Decision-making Workshops. In M. Pivec & J. Gründler (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Games Based Learning.
Peer reviewedKorkut, S., Lutz, J., Brantner, P., Heye, T., Steiner, F., Linxen, S., & Dornberger, R. (2017, October). Tourney: A game-based learning approach for the recognition of uncommon pathologies in Radiology. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL). 11th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2017).
Peer reviewedNienhold, D., Dornberger, R., & Korkut, S. (2017, August). Pattern Recognition for Automated Healthcare Assessment Using Non-Invasive, Ambient Sensors. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI).
Peer reviewedLammel, B., Korkut, S., & Hinkelmann, K. (2016). Customer Experience Modelling and Analysis Framework - A Semantic Lifting Approach for Analyzing Customer Experience. In GSTF (Ed.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship : IE2016.
Peer reviewedJäger, J., Korkut, S., Hil, D., & Dornberger, R. (2015). Gamification and Data - Learning Process Visualization. In R. Munkvold & L. Kolås (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2015), Nord-Trondelag University College Steinkjer, Norway, 8-9 October 2015 (pp. 250–259).
Baumann, N., & Korkut, S. (2015, January 13). Meine Uhr hat verschiedene Gesichter. ICT - Kommunikation.
Korkut, S., Hil, D., Dornberger, R., & Jäger, J. (2014). Tourney How to Gamify Learning with Design and Technology (Work in Progress). University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW, Basel, Switzerland.
Korkut, S., Hil, D., Dornberger, R., & Jäger, J. (2014). Tourney How to Gamify Learning with Design and Technology.
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Visualisierung von persönlichen Netzwerken älterer Menschen
1.9.2016–31.8.2017, Schicka. ManuelaUnser Projekt hatte zum Ziel, die egozentrierten Netzwerke älterer Menschen zu untersuchen. Es sollten vor allem die Netzwerkgrösse, die Beziehungen, deren Qualität, die geographische Distanz zu den Netzwerkmitgliedern und vorhandene Ressourcen diese...
SI Simulated Reality
1.4.2013–30.9.2014, Dornberger. RolfIm Rahmen der Strategischen Initiative Simulated Reality (SISR) ist innerhalb eines 18-monatigen interdisziplinären Projekts der Hochschulen für Wirtschaft, Technik, Angewandte Psychologie, Gestaltung und Kunst und der Pädagogischen Hochschule eine i...
No peer reviewed content available
Gredig, D., Korkut, S., Weber, P., Bogdanovic, J., & Bigoni, D. (2023). Designing and probing a virtual reality serious game for prevention-oriented qualitative HIV social research. 27th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research (SSWR).
Gredig, D., Korkut, S., Weber, P., Bogdanovic, J., & Bigoni, D. (2022). Developing a virtual reality serious game for prevention-oriented qualitative HIV social research. 24th International AIDS Conference.
Peer reviewedKorkut, S., Marchiori, E., & Cantoni, L. (2018). Investigating the effects of headset-based Virtual Reality against desktop-based video experience in a long-term comparative study. Virtual Reality Conference 2018.
Brantner, P., Steiner, F., Korkut, S., Linxen, S., Merkle, E., & Heye, T. (2016, November 27). RapRad - A New E-learning Concept with Rapid Case Reading and Instant Feedback to Reduce Chance in Radiology Education. Radiological Society of North America 2016 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting (RSNA2016).
Peer reviewedKorkut, S., Jäger, J., & Dornberger, R. (2016, October 6). BioTourney: Gamifying a Biology Class by Applying a Content-Independent Learning Game Framework. ECGBL 2016, 10th European Conference on Games Based Learning.
Peer reviewedNienhold, D., Korkut, S., & Dornberger, R. (2016, October 4). Healthcare Assessment Questions Automatically Answered Using Non-Invasive, Ambient Sensors. IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics 2016 (ICHI 2016).
Peer reviewedNienhold, D., Korkut, S., & Dornberger, R. (2016, October 4). Sensor-Based Tracking and Big Data Processing of Patient Activities in Ambient Assisted Living. IEEE International Conference on Healthcare Informatics 2016 (ICHI 2016).
Bleisch, S., Hil, D., Korkut, S., & Meyer, P. (2016, July 12). Challenges of a Modern Atlas of the Ageing Society. The 23rd International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Congress (ISPRS 2016).
Jäger, J., Korkut, S., & Dornberger, R. (2016, June). Innovative learning design: experiences from gadget workshops in business informatics classes. HEAd′16 - International Conference on Higher Education Advances.
Grumbinaite, I., & Korkut, S. (2015). Territory. Data Story Telling. Cincinnati Lectures on Data Design.
Diwanji, P., Puthur Simon, B., Märki, M., Korkut, S., & Dornberger, R. (2014, November 14). Success Factors of Online Learning Videos. International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning (IMCL2014).
Peer reviewedKorkut, S., Hil, D., Jäger, J., & Dornberger, R. (2014, October 10). Tourney How to Gamify Learning with Design and Technology. 8th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL14).
Safak Korkut
- Lecturer, Institute for Information Systems
- Telephone
- +41 61 279 17 14 (direct)
- c2FmYWsua29ya3V0QGZobncuY2g=
- FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
School of Business
Peter Merian-Strasse 86
CH – 4052 Basel