Prof. Dr. Simone Hemm-Ode
Prof. Dr. Simone Hemm-Ode
Activities at the FHNW
- Lecturer in neural engineering
- Practical physics
- Therapeutic systems and technologies I and II
- Practical medical technology
- Implant development (Medical Device Development Process – clinical evaluation)
- Medical Data Analysis (Radiation protection in diagnostics, Optimisation methods)
1995 – 1999 Biomedical Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Giessen-Friedberg, Germany
1998 – 1999 Maîtrisse Ingénierie de la Santé (Bachelor Degree), Radiobiology, Radiotoxicity, Radiation
protection (German - French double diploma) Institut Universitaire Professionnel,
Montpellier, France
1999 – 2000 Engineer Research, Research group on movement disorders in children (neurosurgical
department, University Hospital Montpellier)
2000 – 2001 Radiation and Medical Imaging Master’s Degree, University Paul-Sabatier, Toulouse, France
2001 – 2005 PhD in Neurosciences, Department of Medicine, University of Montpellier
2007 – 2008 R&D Engineer, Company Intrasense, Montpellier, France
2008 – 2016 Research Associate, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland,
Muttenz, Switzerland
2013 Habilitation, Technical Faculty, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden
Since 2010 Guest researcher, Technical Faculty, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden
Since 2016 Professor in Neural Engineering, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern
Switzerland, Muttenz, Switzerland
- Researchgate
- 33 peer reviewed articles
- 3 Book chapters
- 59 published abstracts
- 45 posters
- 70 oral presentations (5x as „Invited Speaker“)
- 2 supervised PhD thesis
- 1 co-supervised PhD thesis
- 2 supervised Master theses
- 20 supervised Bachelor theses
- ALONSO F., VOGEL D., JOHANNES J., WÅRDELL K., HEMM S. Electric Field Comparison between Microelectrode Recording and Deep Brain Stimulation Systems-A Simulation Study. Brain Sci. 2018 Feb 6;8(2). pii: E28. doi: 10.3390/brainsci8020028.
- ZSIGMOND P., HEMM-ODE S., WÅRDELL K. Optical Measurements during Deep Brain Stimulation Lead Implantation: Safety Aspects. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg. Jan 5;95(6):392-399, 2018, doi: 10.1159/000484944.
- SHAH A., COSTE J., LEMAIRE JJ., TAUB E., SCHÜPBACH M., POLLO C., SCHKOMMODAU E., GUZMAN R., HEMM-ODE S. Intraoperative acceleration measurements to quantify tremor during deep brain stimulation surgery. MBEC. 2017:55(5):845-858.
- SHAH A., COSTE J., LEMAIRE JJ., SCHKOMMODAU E., TAUB E., GUZMAN, R., DEROST, Ph., HEMM-ODE, S. A novel assistive method for rigidity evaluation during deep brain stimulation surgery using acceleration sensors. J Neurosurg. 2016 Dec 16:1-11.
- HEMM S., PISON D., ALONSO F., SHAH A., COSTE J., LEMAIRE JJ, WÅRDELL K. Patient-specific electric field simulations and acceleration measurements for objective analysis of intraoperative stimulation tests in the thalamus. Front Hum Neurosci. 2016 Nov 25;10:577.
- WARDELL K., HEMM-ODE S., REJMSTAD P., ZSIGMOND P. High resolution laser Doppler measurements of cerebral microcirculation in the deep brain structures. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg 2016;94:1-9.
- ALONSO F., HEMM-ODE S., WARDELL K. Influence on deep brain stimulation from lead design, operating mode and tissue impedance changes – a simulation study. Brain Disord Ther, 2015:
- WARDELL K., ZSIGMOND P., RICHTER J., HEMM S. Relation between laser Doppler signals and anatomy during deep brain stimulation electrode implantation towards Vim and STN. Neurosurgery, 2013:72(2 Suppl Operative):127-40.
- HEMM S., WÅRDELL K., Stereotactic implantation of deep brain stimulation electrodes: a review of technical systems, methods and emerging tools. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 2010:48(7):611-624.
- COSTE J., OUCHCHANE L., SARRY L., DEROST PH., DURIF F., GABRILLARGUES J., HEMM S., LEMAIRE JJ. New electrophysiological mapping combined with MRI in parkinsonian's subthalamic region. Eur J Neurosci, 2009:29(8):1627-33.
- HEMM S., COSTE J., GABRILLARGUES J., OUCHCHANE L., SARRY L., CAIRE F., VASSAL F., NUTI Ch., DEROST Ph., DURIF F., LEMAIRE JJ. Contact position analysis of deep brain stimulation electrodes on post-operative CT images. Acta Neurochir, 2009:151(7):823-9.
- HEMM S., CAIRE F., COSTE J., VASSAL F., NUTI Ch., DEROST Ph., OUCHCHANE L., SARRY L., DURIF F., LEMAIRE JJ. Postoperative control in DBS of the subthalamic region: the contact membership concept. Int J CARS, 2008:3(1-2):69-77.
- LEMAIRE J., COSTE J., OUCHCHANE L., CAIRE F., NUTI Ch., DEROST Ph., VITTORIO Ch., GABRILLARGUES J., HEMM S., DURIF F., CHAZAL J. Brain mapping in stereotactic surgery: A brief overview from the probabilistic targeting to the patient-based anatomic mapping. NeuroImage, 2007:37:109-115.
- LEMAIRE J., COSTE J., OUCHCHANE L., HEMM S., DEROST Ph., ULLA M., SIADOUX S., GABRILLARGUES J., DURIF F., CHAZAL J. MRI anatomical mapping and direct stereotactic targeting in the subthalamic region: funtional and anatomical correspondence in Parkinson’s Disease. Int J CARS, 2007:2:75-85.
- CASTELNAU P., CIF L., VALENTE EM., VAYSSIERE N., HEMM S., GANNAU A., DIGIORGIO A., COUBES P. Pallidal stimulation improves pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration. Ann Neurol. 2005 ; 57(5) :738-41.
- HEMM S., RIGAU V., CHEVALIER J., PICOT MC., BAUCHET L., EL FERTIT H., RODRIGUEZ MA., CIF L., VAYSSIÈRE N., ZANCA M., BALDET P., SEGNARBIEUX F., COUBES P. Stereotactic Coregistration Of 201Tl-SPECT And MRI Applied To Brain Tumor Biopsies. J Nuc Med. 2005:46(7) :1151-1157.
- HEMM S., MENNESSIER G., VAYSSIERE N., CIF L., COUBES P. Co-Registration of stereotactic MRI and isofieldlines during deep brain stimulation. Brain Research Bulletin. 2005:68(1-2):59-61.
- HEMM S., MENNESSIER G., VAYSSIERE N., CIF L., ELFERTIT H., COUBES P. DBS in Movement Disorders: Stereotactic Co-Registration of Electric Field 2D Modeling and MRI. J Neurosurg. 2005:103:949-55.
- CIF L., VAYSSIERE N., HEMM S., AZAIS M., MONNIER C., HARDOUIN E., GANNAU A., ZANCA M., COUBES P. Electrical stimulation of the internal globus pallidus in advanced generalized dystonia. In « Bioelectromagnetic medicine », eds Paul J. Rosch and Marko Markov, ISBN 0-8247-4700-3, (24) 2004.
- HEMM S., VAYSSIERE N., MENNESSIER G., CIF L., ZANCA M., RAVEL P., FREREBEAU P., COUBES P. Evolution of brain impedance in dystonic patients treated by GPi electrical stimulation. Neuromodulation, 2004:7(2):67-75.
- HEMM S., VAYSSIERE N., ZANCA M., RAVEL P., COUBES P. Thallium SPECT-based Stereotactic Targeting for Brain Tumor Biopsies: A technical Note. Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, 2004:82(2):70-76.
- COUBES P., ECHENNE B., CIF L., HEMM S., VAYSSIERE N., SERRAT S., TUFFERY S., CLAUSTRES M., FREREBEAU P. Electrical stimulation of the internal globus pallidus in advanced primary generalized dystonia. J Neurosurg 2004; 101:189-194
- VAYSSIERE N., VAN DER GAAG N., CIF L., HEMM S., VERDIER R., FREREBEAU P., COUBES P. Deep brain stimulation for dystonia confirms a somatotopic organization in the Globus Pallidus Internus. J Neurosurg 2004; 101: 181-8
- LEGROS A., DIAKONOVA N. CIF L., HEMM S., VAYSSIERE N., COUBES P., BEUTER A. Accelerometric measurement of involuntary movements during pallidal deep brain stimulation of patients with generalized dystonia. Brain Research. 2004; 64(4): 363-9
- CIF L., EL FERTIT H., VAYSSIERE N., HEMM S., HARDOUIN E., GANNAU A., TUFFERY S., COUBES P. Treatment of dystonic syndromes by chronic electrical stimulation of the internal globus pallidus. J Neurosurg Sci, 2003;47:52-55.
- VAYSSIERE N., HEMM S., CIF L., Picot MC., DIAKONOVA N., El FERTIT H., FREREBEAU P., Coubes P. Comparison of atlas- and magnetic resonance imaging-based stereotactic targeting of the globus pallidus internus in the performance of deep brain stimulation for treatment of dystonia. Journal of Neurosurgery 96:673-679, 2002.
- COUBES P., CIF L., AZAIS M., ROUBERTIE A., HEMM S., DIAKONOVA N., VAYSSIERE N., MONNIER C., HARDOUIN E., GANAU A., TUFFERY S., CLAUSTRES M., ECHENNE B. Traitement des syndromes dystoniques par stimulation électrique chronique du globus pallidus interne. Arch Pediatr, 9(2):84-6, 2002.
- COUBES P., VAYSSIERE N., EL FERTIT H., HEMM S., KIENLEN J., BONAFE A., FREREBEAU P. Deep brain stimulation for dystonia: surgical technique. Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, 2002, 78:183-191.
- HEMM S., CIF L., MONNIER C., DIAKONOVA N., HARDOUIN E., GANAU A., VAYSSIERE N., ROUBERTIE A., AZAIS M., TUFFERY S., MANSOUR M., CLAUSTRES M., ECHENNE B., COUBES P. Dystonies généralisées primitives : traitement par stimulation électrique chronique du globus pallidus interne. Mouvements, 8:4-13, déc. 2001.
- COUBES P., ROUBERTIE A., VAYSSIERE N., HEMM S., ECHENNE B. Treatment of DYT1-generalised Dystonia by bilateral electrical stimulation of the internal globus pallidus. The Lancet, 2000, 355 : 2220-1.
- VAYSSIERE N., HEMM S., ZANCA M., PICOT MC., BONAFE A., CIF L., FREREBEAU P., COUBES P. Magnetic resonance imaging stereotactic target localization for deep brain stimulation in dystonic children. Journal of Neurosurgery, 2000, 93:784-90.
- CIF L., VALENTE EM, HEMM, S., COUBES C., VAYSSIERE N., SERRAT S., DI GIORGIO A., COUBES PH. Deep Brain Stimulation in Myoclonus–Dystonia Syndrome. Mov Disord, 2004. 19(6):724 -7.
- ROUBERTIE A., ECHENNE B., CIF L., VAYSSIERE N., HEMM S., COUBES P. Treatment of early-onset dystonia: update and a new perspective. Childs Nerv Syst. 2000 Jun; 16(6):334-40.
- CIF L., EL FERTIT H., VAYSSIERE N., HEMM S., GAUDIN D., SERRAT S., COUBES P. Deep Brain Stimulation in Paediatric Dystonia. In « Paediatric Movement Disorders », FERNANDEZ-ALVAREZ E., ARZIMANOGLOU A., TOLOSA E. John Libbey Eurotext, ISBN2-7420-0542-0, 2005.
- CIF L., VAYSSIERE N., HEMM S., AZAIS M., MONNIER C., HARDOUIN E., GANNAU A., ZANCA M., COUBES P. Electrical stimulation of the internal globus pallidus in advanced generalized dystonia. In « Bioelectromagnetic medicine », eds ROSCH P., MARKOV M., ISBN 0-8247-4700-3, 2004.
- COUBES P., HEMM S., CIF L., S. SERRAT, VAYSSIERE N., BONNAFE., COUBES C., SARDA P., CLAUSTRES M., ECHENNE B., FREREBEAU P. Dystonie généralisée primitives : traitement par stimulation électrique chronique du globus pallidus interne. In « Les mouvements anormaux : Problèmes en médecine de rééducation », M. ENJLBERT, J. TOUCHON, J. PELISSIER, Masson, 2004, 47:48.
- HEMM-ODE S., SCHKOMMODAU E., KNOBEL B. DLC-Beschichtungen auf Keramiksubstraten. MED engineering ( 5-6: 54-7, 2014.
- HEMM S. Darstellung multimodaler Daten des Gehirns – Teil 1: Einführung in die Methoden der multimodalen Bildregistrierung. mt-Medizintechnik, 2007:128(3):104-8.
- HEMM S. Darstellung multimodaler Daten des Gehirns – Teil 2: Registrierung am Beispiel der Tiefenhirnstimulation und von Tumorbiopsien. mt-Medizintechnik, 2007:128(4)
- HEMM S. Zur Technik der Tiefenhirnstimulation – Teil 1: Parameter und Störquellen. mt Medizintechnik, 4/2004, 135-138.
- HEMM S. Zur Technik der Tiefenhirnstimulation – Teil 2: Systemkontrolle und Optimierung der Stimulationsparameter. mt Medizintechnik, 5/2004, 168-171.
- HEMM S., CIF L., MONNIER C., DIAKONOVA N., HARDOUIN E., GANAU A., VAYSSIERE N., ROUBERTIE A., AZAIS M., TUFFERY S., MANSOUR M., CLAUSTRES M., ECHENNE B., COUBES P. Dystonies généralisées primitives : traitement par stimulation électrique chronique du globus pallidus interne. Mouvements, 2001, 8:4-13.
- SHAH A. ALONSO F., VOGEL D., WÅRDELL K., COSTE J., LEMAIRE J., PISON P., HEMM S. Analysis of adverse effects of stimulation during deep brain stimulation surgery by patient-specific FEM simulations, 40th Annual Int. Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Honolulu, HI, USA, July 17-21, 2018 (4 pages), Submitted
- HEMM S., BÖHRINGER S., GARNIER Q., BREITENSTEIN M., MINONZIO C., BERLINGHOFF F., JÜRGENS P., SCHKOMMODAU E. Accuracy investigation of dual mode markers for navigated dental implant surgery with a new 3d realtime navigation system DENACAM. EPiC Series in Health Sciences, 2017, 1:219–223. 17thAnnualMeetingoftheInternational, Society for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery.
- BÖHRINGER S., PHILIPP J., SCHKOMMODAU E., BERLINGHOFF F., HEMM-ODE S. Accuracy investigation of a new mininavigation system for dental implants, Biomed Tech, 2016, 61, s115, 2016.
- WÅRDELL K., HEMM-ODE S., ZSIGMOND P. Fibre optical probe navigation during deep brain stimulation implantation – safety aspects. Biomed Tech, 2016, 61, s118.
- COIGNY F., GANZ N., SHAH A., HEMM S., SCHKOMMODAU E. Virtual Reality for Neurosurgery, Biomed Tech, 2016, 61, s202.
- SHAH A., ALONSO F., PISON D., LEMAIRE J., WÅRDELL K., COSTE J., SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM-ODE S. 3D Visualisation of intraoperative stimulation test results for better target selection in DBS surgery. Biomed Tech, 2016, 61, s243
- JÜRGENS PH., ELMAHGOUB A., SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM S. Ergonomic analysis of a novel instrument mounted navigation system for dental implantology International Conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Melbourne, October 2015. International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 44:e86
- SHAH A., COSTE J., LEMAIRE J.J., TAUB E., GUZMAN R., SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM-ODE S. Optimization of Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery for Parkinson Disease with Quantitative Rigidity Evaluation. J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurg 2015; 76 - P054.
- SHAH A., COSTE J., LEMAIRE JJ., SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM-ODE S. Use of quantitative tremor evaluation to enhance target selection during deep brain stimulation surgery for essential tremor. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering 2015; 1:488–492
- HEMM-ODE S., FABBRI S., KNOBEL B., FINDEISEN CH., SCHKOMMODAU E., DE WILD M., Diamond-like carbon coating for highly precise and biocompatible optical markers for surgical navigation, BMT 2014 conference, 8.-10. Oct. 2014, Hannover, Germany (2014) (not yet referenced in Pubmed)
- SHAH A., COSTE J., LEMAIRE J., ULLA M., SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM-ODE S. Acceleration measurements to quantify changes in rigidity during deep brain stimulation surgery [abstract]. Movement Disorders 2014; 29 Suppl 1 :83
- WÅRDELL K., HEMM-ODE S., REJMSTAD P., RICHTER J., ZSIGMOND P. Microvascular Blood Flow in the Deep Brain Structures - Laser Doppler Measurements during DBS-implantations. The MDS 18th International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders [abstract]. Movement Disorders 2014; 29 Suppl 1 :1271
- SHAH A., COSTE J., LEMAIRE J., SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM-ODE S. A method to quantitatively evaluate changes in tremor during Deep Brain Stimulation surgery. IEEE EMBS / Conference on Neural Engineering / 1202-1205 / 2013
- WARDELL K., HAJ-HOSSEINI N., HEMM-ODE S. Comparison between Optical and MRI Trajectories in Stereotactic Neurosurgery. In XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013, Chapter 12, eds. Roa Romero, Laura M. 41:49-51
- SHAH A., COSTE J., SCHKOMMODAU E., LEMAIRE J., HEMM-ODE S. Using acceleration sensors to quantify symptoms during deep brain stimulation surgery, Biomed tech, 2013, 58(Suppl. 1): DOI 10.1515/bmt-2013-4007
- HEMM-ODE S., WETTMANN P., KISTLER B., BEHM P., SCHKOMMODAU E., COSTE J., LEMAIRE J., SHAH A. Intraoperative optical flow based tremor evaluation - a feasibility study. Biomed tech, 2013, 58(Suppl. 1): DOI 10.1515/bmt-2013-4008
- SHAH A., COSTE J., LEMAIRE J., SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM S. A Method To Quantitatively Evaluate Tremor During Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery. IJCARS 2013. 8:213-6.
- COIGNY F., IMBODEN G., HEMM S., BEINEMANN J., JÜRGENS P., KNOBEL B., SCHKOMMODAU E. Miniaturized surgical navigation. IJCARS 2013. 8:145-6.
- HEMM S., GMÜNDER D., SHAH A., ULLA M., LEMAIRE JJ, COSTE J. Quantitative rigidity evaluation during deep brain stimulation surgery - a preliminary study. Biomed tech, 2012, 57(Suppl. 1) 698 (DOI 10.1515/bmt-2012-4324)
- HEMM S., RICHTER J., ZSIGMOND P., WARDELL K. Correlation between laser Doppler measurements and anatomy during deep brain stimulation surgery. Biomed tech, 2012 (Suppl. 1):699 (DOI 10.1515/bmt-2012-4327)
- SHAH A., COSTE J., GMÜNDER D., ULLA M., LEMAIRE JJ, SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM S. Quantitative rigidity and tremor evaluation using accelerometer during deep brain stimulation surgery - a preliminary study. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg 2012; 90 (suppl 1):138
- HEMM S., RICHTER J., ZSIGMOND P., WARDELL K. Laser Doppler for guidance during DBS - typical optical trajectories toward Vim and STN. Stereotact Funct Neurosurg 2012; 90 (suppl 1): 11.
- WARDELL K., RICHTER J., ZSIGMOND P., HEMM-ODE S. Intraoperative laser Doppler measurements for navigation during deep brain stimulation implantation, Int J CARS 2012. 7:S223
- WARDELL K., RICHTER J., ZSIGMOND P., HEMM-ODE S. Optical measurements for Guidance during Deep Brain Stimulation Implantation, IFMBE Proceedings, 2012
- HEMM S., SCHKOMMODAU E., DE WILD M. Repositioning precision of EEG-Caps – a preliminary study, IFMBE Proceedings, 2009, Volume 25/9, 436-439
- FAVREAU JM, HEMM S, NUTI C, COSTE J, BARRA V, LEMAIRE JJ, A Tool for Topographic Analysis of Electrode Contacts in Human Cortical Stimulation, Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis, Computer Vision, 2007. ICCV 2007. IEEE 11th International Conference on
- COSTE J., SIADOUX S., DEROST P., DURIF F., GABRILLARGUES J., HEMM S., LEMAIRE J. Relationships between MRI anatomy and electrophysiological spontaneous unitary recordings in the subthalamic region during stereotactic surgery for Severe Idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. The European Journal of Neurosurgery - Acta Neurochirurgica, 2006. 148(10):VI-VII.
- COSTE J., HEMM S., ULLA M., DEROST P., CAIRE F., DURIF F., LEMAIRE J. Somatotopy in the GPi: Analysis of Motor Side Effects during Intraoperative Assessment in a Parkinsonian. The European Journal of Neurosurgery - Acta Neurochirurgica, 2006. 148(10):LVIII-LIX.
- HEMM S., RIGAU V., ZANCA M., VAYSSIERE N., CIF L., PICOT MC, COUBES P. Mise en concordance d’images 201Tl-TEMP et IRM sous cadre stéréotaxique appliquée aux biopsies des tumeurs cérébrales. Médecine Nucléaire 2005. 29(11):706.
- CIF L., COMTE F., HEMM S., GUILLEMARD S., COUBES P., ZANCA M. Sélection préchirurgicale des dystonies secondaires à une cytopathie mitochondriale : Contribution de la TEP FDG et du DATSCAN. Médecine Nucléaire 2005. 29(11):709.
- HEMM S, VAYSSIERE N., CIF L., GANNAU A., MENESSIER G., COUBES P. Electrical field and potential distribution generated by deep brain stimulation of the globus pallidus internus. The European Journal of Neurosurgery - Acta Neurochirurgica, 2004, 146(8):899-900
- VAYSSIERE N, EL FERTIT H, CIF L, HEMM S, COUBES P. Quality control procedure for stereotactic magnetic resonance imaging during neurosurgery of movement disorders. The European Journal of Neurosurgery - Acta Neurochirurgica, 2004, 146(8):905
- VAYSSIERE N, DELORT P, CIF L, HEMM S, VIAUD B, COUBES P. Stereotactical MRI demonstrates grey nuclei lesions in DYT1 dystonic patients. The European Journal of Neurosurgery - Acta Neurochirurgica, 2004, 146(8):876-877
- HEMM S, RIGAUD V, CHEVALIER J, BAUCHET L, VAYSSIERE N, COUBES P. Stereotactic coregistration of Thallium SPECT and MRI applied to brain tumor biopsies. The European Journal of Neurosurgery - Acta Neurochirurgica, 2004, 146(8):899-900.
- CIF L, EL FERTIT H, VAYSSIERE N, HEMM S, COUBES P. Deep brain stimulation in movement disorders due to post anoxic cerebral palsy. Movement Disorders, 2004, 19(9):S83.
- CIF L, VALENTE EM, HEMM S, VAYSSIERE N, SERRAT S, COUBES P. Deep brain stimulation in myoclonus-dystonia syndrome (MDS). Movement Disorders, 2004, 19(9):S82-S83.
- VAYSSIERE N, EL FERTIT H, CIF L, HEMM S, COUBES P. Quality control procedure for stereotactic magnetic resonance imaging during neurosurgery of movement disorders. Movement Disorders, 2004, 19(9):S288.
- VAYSSIERE N, GARRIGUES G, CIF L, HEMM S, COUBES P. Treatment of Parkinson's disease by deep brain stimulation: evaluation of an MRI-based surgery under general anesthesia. Movement Disorders, 2004, 19(9):S288.
- HEMM S, VAYSSIERE N., CIF L., GANAU A., MENESSIER G., COUBES P. Electrical field and potential distribution generated by deep brain stimulation of the globus pallidus internus. Movement Disorders, 2004, 19(9):S76.
- CIF L, VALENTE EM, HEMM S, VAYSSIERE N, SERRAT S, COUBES P. Deep brain stimulation in myoclonus-dystonia syndrome (MDS). The European Journal of Neurosurgery - Acta Neurochirurgica, 2004, 146(8):877-878.
- CIF L, EL FERTIT H, VAYSSIERE N, HEMM S, SERRAT S, COUBES P. Deep brain stimulation in movement disorders due to post anoxic cerebral palsy. The European Journal of Neurosurgery - Acta Neurochirurgica, 2004, 146(8):899.
- HEMM S., DIAKONOVA N., MENNESSIER G., VAYSSIERE N., CIF L., COUBES P. Stimulated volume and energy consumption in improved dystonic patients treated by high frequency GPi stimulation. Movement Disorders, 2002, 17(5):S302.
- CIF L., AZAIS M., VAYSSIERE N., HEMM S., DIAKONOVA N., COUBES P. Dystonia and electrical stimulation of the internus globus pallidus: criteria for the patient’s selection. Movement Disorders, 2002, 17(5):S283.
- ZANCA M., BATAILLE B., MORROT G., VAYSSIERE N., HEMM S., COUBES P. Study of the electrical stimulation of the internal GPi by fMRI. Movement Disorders, 2002, 17(5):S303.
- DIAKONOVA N., CIF L., AZAIS M., HEMM S., VAYSSIERE N., COUBES P. Characterization of dystonic movements by means of accelerometry. Movement Disorders, 2002, 17(5):S279.
- VAYSSIERE N., VAN DER GAAG N., CIF L., HEMM S., FREREBEAU P., COUBES P. Deep brain stimulation for dystonia: does clinical experience confirm a somatotopic organization in the GPi? Movement Disorders, 2002, 17(5):S282.
- HEMM S., VAYSSIERE N., ZANCA M., BAUCHET L., COUBES P. Thallium SPECT and MRI Imaging using stereotactic Leksell frame: development of a methodology for targeting applied to brain tumor biopsies. The European Journal of Neurosurgery - Acta Neurochirurgica, 2002, 144(10):1111.
- VAYSSIERE N., VAN DER GAAG N., CIF L., AZAIS M., HEMM S., COUBES P. Deep brain stimulation for dystonia: does clinical experience confirm a somatotopic organization in the GPI? The European Journal of Neurosurgery - Acta Neurochirurgica, 2002, 144(10):1081.
- COUBES P., VAYSSIERE N., CIF L., MANSOUR M., HEMM S., DIAKONOVA N., TUFFERY S., ECHENNE B., FREREBEAU P. Early-Onset Generalized Dystonia : Neurosurgical Treatment by Continuous Bilateral Stimulation of the Internal Globus Pallidus in 23 Patients. Journal of Neurosurgery, 2001, 94(2):410A.
- ROUBERTIE A., CIF L., VAYSSIERE N., TUFFERY S., HEMM S., CLAUSTRES M., BONAFE A., FREREBEAU P., ECHENNE B., COUBES P., Symptomatic Generalized Dystonia: Neurosurgical Treatment by continuous Bilateral Stimulation of the Internal Globus Pallidus in Eight Patients. Movement Disorders, 2000. 15(3): p. 156.
- ROUBERTIE A., CIF L., VAYSSIERE N., TUFFERY S., HEMM S., CLAUSTRES M., BONAFE A., FREREBEAU P., ECHENNE B., COUBES P., Symptomatic Generalized Dystonia: Neurosurgical Treatment by continuous Bilateral Stimulation of the Internal Globus Pallidus in Eight Patients. Child's Nervous System, 2000. 16(8): p. 541.
- HEMM S., N. VAYSSIERE, A. ROUBERTIE, L. CIF, B. ECHENNE, AND P. COUBES, Electrical Brain Impedance in Patients with Generalized Dystonia Treated by Continuous Bilateral Stimulation of the Internal Globus Pallidus - Preliminary results. Child's Nervous System, 2000. 16(8): p. 541.
- HEMM S., N. VAYSSIERE, A. ROUBERTIE, L. CIF, B. ECHENNE, AND P. COUBES, Electrical Brain Impedance in Patients with Generalized Dystonia Treated by Continuous Bilateral Stimulation of the Internal Globus Pallidus - Preliminary results. Movement Disorders, 2000. 15(3): p. 150.
- COUBES P., VAYSSIERE N., CIF L., MANSOUR M., HEMM S., DIAKONOVA N., TUFFERY S., ECHENNE B., FREREBEAU P., Early-Onset Generalized Dystonia: Neurosurgical Treatment by Continuous Bilateral Stimulation of the Internal Globus Pallidus in 23 Patients. Journal of Neurosurgery, 2000. 94(2): p. 410A.
- COUBES P., ROUBERTIE A., VAYSSIERE N., HEMM S., TUFFERY S., ECHENNE B., FREREBEAU P., Early-Onset Generalized Dystonia : Neurosurgical Treatment by Continuous Bilateral Stimulation of the Internal Globus Pallidus in Fifteen Patients. Neurosurgery, 2000. 47(2): p. 503.
- COUBES P., ROUBERTIE A., VAYSSIERE N., HEMM S., TUFFERY S., ECHENNE B., FREREBEAU P., Early-Onset Generalized Dystonia : Neurosurgical Treatment by Continuous Bilateral Stimulation of the Internal Globus Pallidus in Sixteen Patients. Movement Disorders, 2000. 15(3): p. 154.
- COUBES P., ROUBERTIE A., VAYSSIERE N., HEMM S., TUFFERY S., ECHENNE B., FREREBEAU P., Early-onset generalized Dystonia : neurosurgical treatment by continuous bilateral stimulation of the internal Globus Pallidus in fifteen patients. Neurology, 2000. 54(7): p. 220.
- VAYSSIERE N., ROUBERTIE A., HEMM S., CIF L., PICOT M.C., BONAFE A., COUBES P., Treatment of Generalized Dystonia in Children by Deep Brain Stimulation : 3D MRI Stereotactic localization of the Internal Globus Pallidus. Movement Disorders, 2000. 15(3): p. 143.
- WÅRDELL K., VOGEL K., SHAH A., ALONSO F., NORDIN T., JOHANSSON J., HEMM S. Deep Brain Stimulation: Patient-Specific Simulations for Creation of Probabilistic Electric Field Maps World Congress on Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering, June 3-8, 2018, Prague (abstract) Accepted
- HEMM S., BÖHRINGER S., GARNIER Q., BREITENSTEIN M., MINONZIO C., BERLINGHOFF F., JÜRGENS P., SCHKOMMODAU E. Accuracy investigation of dual mode markers for navigated dental implant surgery with a new 3d realtime navigation system DENACAM. 17th Annual Meeting of the international Society for Computer Assisted Orthopaedic Surgery, 14-17th June, Aachen
- SHAH A., ALONSO F., LEMAIRE J.J., PISON D., COSTE J., WÅRDELL K., SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM S. 3D visualization of intraoperative stimulation test results in deep brain stimulation. European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference, 11- 15 June, Tampere, Finland (Poster)
- HEMM S., BÖHRINGER S., COIGNY F., BREITENSTEIN M., MINONZIO C., BERLINGHOFF F., JÜRGENS P., SCHKOMMODAU E. Development of a dual mode marker for navigated dental implant surgery. European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference, 11- 15 June, Tampere, Finland (Poster)
- SHAH A., ALONSO F., LEMAIRE J.J., PISON D., COSTE J., WÅRDELL K., SCHKOMMODAU E. HEMM S. Learning more about the optimal anatomical position for deep brain stimulation in essential tremor patients: 3d visualisation of intraoperative stimulation test results.17th Quadrennial meeting of the World Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, 26th – 29th of June 2017, Berlin (Poster)
- ALONSO F., HEMM S., VOGEL D., WÅRDELL K. Comparison between intraoperative and chronic deep brain stimulation. 17th Quadrennial meeting of the World Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, 26th – 29th of June 2017, Berlin. (Poster)
- SHAH A., ALONSO F., PISON D., LEMAIRE JJ., WÅRDELL K., COSTE J., SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM-ODE S. 3D Visualization of intraoperative stimulation test results for better target selection in DBS surgery. Accuracy investigation of a new mininavigation system for dental implants. BMT2016, "Dreiländertagung" Swiss, Austrian and German Societies for Biomedical Engineering, 4–6 October 2016, Basel (CH).
- SHAH A., ALONSO F., LEMAIRE JJ., WÅRDELL K., PISON D., COSTE J., SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM-ODE S.Improving DBS targeting using 3D visualization of intraoperative stimulation tests. XXIInd Congress of the European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 28th Sept. - 1st Oct, Madrid, Spain.
- SHAH A., COSTE J., LEMAIRE JJ., TAUB E., SCHÜPBACH M., POLLO C., GUZMAN, R., WÅRDELL K., SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM-ODE S. Intraoperative quantitative tremor evaluation in deep brain stimulation surgery. XXIInd Congress of the European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 28th Sept. - 1st Oct, Madrid, Spain.
- BÖHRINGER S., PHILIPP J., SCHKOMMODAU E., BERLINGHOFF F., HEMM-ODE S. Accuracy investigation of a new mininavigation system for dental implants, Biomed Tech, 2016, 61, s115, 2016.
- WÅRDELL K., HEMM-ODE S., ZSIGMOND P. Fibre optical probe navigation during deep brain stimulation implantation – safety aspects. Biomed Tech, 2016, 61, s118.
- COIGNY F., GANZ N., SHAH A., HEMM S., SCHKOMMODAU E. Virtual Reality for Neurosurgery, Biomed Tech, 2016, 61, s202.
- SHAH A., ALONSO F., PISON D., LEMAIRE J., WÅRDELL K., COSTE J., SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM-ODE S. 3D Visualisation of intraoperative stimulation test results for better target selection in DBS surgery. Biomed Tech, 2016, 61, s243.
- SHAH A., COSTE J., LEMAIRE JJ., TAUB E., GUZMAN R., SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM-ODE S. Optimization of deep brain stimulation surgery by using quantitative rigidity evaluation for Parkinson’s disease patients. Swiss Societies of Neuroradiology and Neurosurgery, Lucerne, 10 -11th September 2015
- SHAH A., COSTE J., LEMAIRE JJ., SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM-ODE S. Use of quantitative tremor evaluation to enhance target selection during deep brain stimulation surgery for essential tremor. BMT 2015, Lübeck.
- SHAH A., COSTE J., LEMAIRE JJ., SCHKOMMODAU E., GUZMAN R., TAUB E., HEMM-ODE S. Using Acceleration Sensors to Identify Rigidity Release Threshold during Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery. 7th International IEEE EMBS Conference Montpellier.
- PISON D., ALONSO F., WÅRDELL K., SHAH A., COSTE J., LEMAIRE JJ., SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM-ODE, S. A method for electric field simulations and acceleration measurements for intraoperative test stimulation. 7th International IEEE EMBS Conference Montpellier.
- WÅRDELL K., REJMSTAD P., ZSIGMOND P. HEMM-ODE, S. High resolution investigation of microvascular blood flow in deep brain structures with laser Doppler flowmetry. 7th International IEEE EMBS Conference Montpellier.
- HEMM-ODE S., PISON D., ALONSO F., SHAH A., COSTE J., LEMAIRE JJ., SCHKOMMODAU E., WÅRDELL K.: A method for electric field simulations and acceleration measurements for intraoperative test stimulation, XXI Congress of the European Society of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 17-20 September 2014.
- SHAH A., COSTE J., LEMAIRE JJ., SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM-ODE S.: Correlation analysis between quantitatively analyzed stimulation effects and anatomical position during deep brain stimulation surgery. XXI Congress of the European Society of Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 17-20 September 2014
- SHAH A., KAEWMULPET CH., PONTIER B., COSTE J., LEMAIRE JJ., SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM-ODE S. Quantitative evaluation of muscle tone using force and acceleration sensors. SSBE annual meeting. 27th/ 28th of August, Zürich
- WÅRDELL K., REJMSTAD P., HEMM-ODE S., RICHTER J., ZSIGMOND P. Microvascular Blood Flow in the Deep Brain Structures - Laser Doppler Measurements during DBS-implantations. MDS 18th International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders, Sweden, Stockholm, 8.-12.6.2014
- SHAH., COSTE J., LEMAIRE JJ., ULLA M., SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM-ODE S. Acceleration measurements to quantify changes in rigidity during deep brain stimulation surgery. MDS 18th International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders, Sweden, Stockholm, 8.-12.6.2014
- SHAH A., COSTE J., LEMAIRE J., SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM-ODE S. A method to quantitatively evaluate changes in tremor during Deep Brain Stimulation surgery. 2013 IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, 1202-1205 / 2013
- SHAH A., COSTE J., ULLA M., LEMAIRE JJ, SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM S. Quantitative tremor evaluation during deep brain stimulation surgery - a preliminary study, Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society of Biomedical Engineering, Lausanne 2012
- HEMM S., RICHTER J., ZSIGMOND P., WARDELL K. Correlation between laser Doppler measurements and anatomy during deep brain stimulation surgery. Annual Congress of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering, Jena, 16. – 19.September 2012
- HEMM S., GMÜNDER D., SHAH A., ULLA M., LEMAIRE JJ, COSTE J. Quantitative rigidity evaluation during deep brain stimulation surgery - a preliminary study. Annual Congress of the German Society for Biomedical Engineering, Jena, 16. – 19.September 2012
- SHAH A., COSTE J., GMÜNDER D., ULLA M., LEMAIRE JJ, SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM S. Quantitative rigidity and tremor evaluation using accelerometer during deep brain stimulation surgery - a preliminary study. XXth Congress of the European Society for stereotactic and functional neurosurgery. Lisbon, Portugal, 26th to 29th of September 2012.
- SHAH A., HEMM S. Acceleration measurements during DBS surgery for tremor. 1st international symposium on deep brain connectomics. 28-29th of September 2012, Clermont-Ferrand, France
- HEMM S., GMÜNDER D., ULLA M., LEMAIRE JJ, COSTE J. Quantitative rigidity evaluation during deep brain stimulation surgery - a preliminary study, Swiss Society of Biomedical Engineering, Bern 2011
- HEMM S., RICHTER J., ZSIGMOND P., WARDELL K. Optical measurements for guidance during deep brain stimulation implantation. Swiss Society of Biomedical Engineering, Bern 2011 (Poster Award)
- WARDELL K., HEMM S., RICHTER J., ZSIGMOND P. Optical Measurements for Guidance during Deep Brain Stimulation implantation. Swedish Society for Biomedical Engineering, 11-12 October, Linköping, Sweden, 2011
- De Wild M., BRACCINI F., GOERLICH A., RAMSEYER R., SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM S., Repositioning Precision Of EEG-Caps, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik im VDE, Rostock, 5-8 Oktober 2010
- DAEICHIN V., HEMM S., TAUB E., SCHKOMMODAU E. Development of an intraoperative visualisation tool for electrode placement in deep brain stimulation. Swiss Society for Biomedical Engineering, Bern, 27th – 28th of August, 2009
- HEMM S., SCHKOMMODAU E., DE WILD M. Repositioning precision of EEG-Caps – a preliminary study. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, 7th – 12th of September, 2009
- VOGEL D., ALONSO F., WÅRDELL K., HEMM S. Comparison between intraoperative and chronic deep brain stimulation. Jahrestagung der BIOMEDIZINISCHEN TECHNIK und Dreiländertagung der MEDIZINISCHEN PHYSIK, 10. – 13. September 2017, Dresden.
- VOGEL D., ALONSO F., JOHANSSON J., WÅRDELL K., HEMM S. Comparison between intraoperative and chronic deep brain stimulation. Annual Meeting of the Swiss Society for Biomedical Engineering, 30th of August 2017, Zürich.
- BÖHRINGER S., JÜRGENS Ph., SCHKOMMODAU E., BERLINGHOFF F., HEMM-ODE, S. Accuracy investigation of a new mininavigation system for dental implants. BMT2016, "Dreiländertagung" Swiss, Austrian and German Societies for Biomedical Engineering, 4–6 October 2016, Basel (CH) (accepted, oral)
- WÅRDELL K., HEMM-ODE S., ZSIGMOND P. Fibre optical probe navigation during deep brain stimulation implantation – safety aspects. Accuracy investigation of a new mininavigation system for dental implants. BMT2016, "Dreiländertagung" Swiss, Austrian and German Societies for Biomedical Engineering, 4–6 October 2016, Basel (CH) (accepted, oral)
- WÅRDELL K., HEMM-ODE S., ZSIGMOND P. Laser Doppler Flowmetry Guidance during Stereotactic Neurosurgery: A Review of Safety Aspects. XXIInd Congress of the European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 28th Sept. - 1st Oct, Madrid, Spain.
- JÜRGENS PH., ELMAHGOUB A., SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM S. Ergonomic analysis of a novel instrument mounted navigation system for dental implantology International Conference on Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Melbourne, October 2015.
- PISON D., ALONSO F., WÅRDELL K., SHAH A., COSTE J., LEMAIRE JJ, SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM-ODE S. A method for side effect analysis based on electric field simulations for intraoperative test stimulation in deep brain stimulation surgery [abstract]. World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Toronto, June 2015.
- SHAH A., COSTE J., LEMAIRE J.J., SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM-ODE S. Quantifying Changes In Patient Tremor Using Accelerometer During Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery. XX World Congress on Parkinson's Disease and Related Disorders, 8-11 December, 2013, Geneva, Switzerland
- WARDELL K., HAJ-HOSSEINI N., HEMM-ODE S. Comparison between Optical and MRI Trajectories in Stereotactic Neurosurgery, XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON), Seville, Spain, 25-28th of September 2013.
- SHAH A., COSTE J., SCHKOMMODAU E., LEMAIRE J., HEMM-ODE S. Using acceleration sensors to quantify symptoms during deep brain stimulation surgery, Three country conference of the German, Swiss and Austrian Societies for Biomedical Engineering, Graz, Austria, 19-21 September 2013.
- HEMM-ODE S., WETTMANN P., KISTLER B., BEHM P., SCHKOMMODAU E., COSTE J., LEMAIRE J., SHAH A. Intraoperative optical flow based tremor evaluation - a feasibility study. Three country conference of the German, Swiss and Austrian Societies for Biomedical Engineering, Graz, Austria, 19-21 September 2013.
- SHAH A., COSTE J., LEMAIRE J., SCHKOMMODAU E., HEMM S. A Method To Quantitatively Evaluate Tremor During Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery. 26th International Congress and Exhibition on Computer Assisted Radiology, Heidelberg, 26th to 29th of June 2013
- WARDELL K., RICHTER J., ZSIGMOND P., HEMM S. Optical measurements for Guidance during Deep Brain Stimulation Implantation, World congress in medical physics and biomedical engineering, Beijing, China, 26-31 May 2012
- WARDELL K., RICHTER J., ZSIGMOND P., HEMM-ODE S. Intraoperative laser Doppler measurements for navigation during deep brain stimulation implantation, 26th International Congress of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, Pisa, Italy, 27-30 June 2012
- HEMM S., RICHTER J., ZSIGMOND P., WARDELL K. Laser Doppler for guidance during DBS - typical optical trajectories toward Vim and STN. XXth Congress of the European Society for stereotactic and functional neurosurgery. Lisbon, Portugal, 26th to 29th of September 2012.
- WINKLER J., REISER H., MENZ R., NAEHRIG D., HEMM S., Zimmermann F, Patient positioning using different protocols for matching KV CBCT and planning CT in prostate cancer. Scientific Association of Swiss Radiation Oncology, Geneva, 31 March – 2. April 2011
- IMBODEN G., HEMM, S., TAUB E., SCHKOMMODAU E., Entwicklung eines Bewegungssensors für die Patientenüberwachung während der Tiefenhirnstimulation, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik im VDE, Rostock, Germany, 5-8 Oktober 2010
2006 - COSTE J., SIADOUX S., DEROST P., DURIF F., GABRILLARGUES J., HEMM S., LEMAIRE J. Relationships between MRI anatomy and electrophysiological spontaneous unitary recordings in the subthalamic region during stereotactic surgery for Severe Idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. XVIIth congress of the European Society for stereotactic and functional neurosurgery, Montreux, 4.-7. Oktober 2006
- HEMM S., RIGAUD V., CHEVALIER J., PICOT MC, BAUCHET L., EL FERTIT H., RODRIGUEZ MA, CIF L., VAYSSIERE N., ZANCA M., BALDET P., SEGNARBIEUX F., COUBES P. Stereotactic coregistration of 201Thallium SPECT and MRI applied to brain tumor biopsies. 3tième journées françaises de Neurochirurgie, Strasbourg, 7-11 Mai, 2005.
- HEMM S., RIGAU V., CHEVALIER J., BAUCHET L., VAYSSIERE N., COUBES P. Stereotactic coregistration of Thallium SPECT and MRI applied to brain tumor biopsies. 14th International Congress of Medical Physics, Nürnberg 14. – 17. September 2005.
- HEMM S., VAYSSIERE N., CIF L., GANNAU A., MENESSIER G., COUBES P. Electrical field and potential distribution generated by deep brain stimulation of the globus pallidus internus. XVIth congress of the European Society for stereotactic and functional neurosurgery, Wien, 24.-26. Juni 2004
- HEMM S., RIGAU V., CHEVALIER J., BAUCHET L., VAYSSIERE N., ZANCA M., COUBES P. Stereotactic coregistration of Thallium SPECT and MRI applied to brain tumor biopsies. 38. Jahrestagung der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik im VDE, Ilmenau, 24. – 26. September 2004
- HEMM S. TEMP au Thallium sous cadre stéréotaxique: calcul de la cible pour les biopsies de tumeurs cérébrales. 6ème Congrès de la Société Française de Neurochirurgie Pédiatrique, Lignan-sur-Orb, 17-19 mai, 2002.
- HEMM S., VAYSSIERE N., ZANCA M., BAUCHET L., FREREBEAU P. Tomographie d’émission au Thallium sous cadre stéréotaxique de Leksell: développement d’une technique de calcul de la cible appliquée aux biopsies des tumeurs cérébrales. Revue du 52ème Congrès de la Société de Neurochirurgie de Langue Française, Saint Etienne, 10.-13. Juni, 2002.
- HEMM S., VAYSSIERE N., ZANCA M., BAUCHET L., FREREBEAU P., COUBES P. Thallium SPECT and MRI imaging under stereotactic Leksell frame: development of a methodology for targeting applied to brain tumor biopsies. XVth congress of the European Society for stereotactic and functional neurosurgery, Toulouse, 9.-12. Oktober 2002
- HEMM S., VAYSSIERE N., ZANCA M., BAUCHET L., FREREBEAU P., COUBES P. Thallium SPECT and MRI imaging under stereotactic Leksell frame: development of a methodology for targeting applied to brain tumor biopsies. 2nd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference, Wien, 4.-8. Dezember 2002
- HEMM S., DIAKONOVA N., MENNESSIER G., VAYSSIERE N., CIF L., AZAIS M., COUBES P. Electrical brain impedance in patients with generalized dystonia treated by continuous bilateral stimulation of the Internal Globus Pallidus. 2nd Biannual Medtronic Neuroscience Fair, Maastricht, 1.-2. März, 2001.
- HEMM S., MENNESSIER G., DIAKONOVA N., VAYSSIERE N., CIF L., MANSOUR M., COUBES P. In Vivo Study of the Electrical Brain Impedance and Current in Patients with Generalized Dystonia Treated by Continuous Bilateral Stimulation of the Internal Globus Pallidus. XI International Conference on Electrical Bio-Impedance, Oslo, 17.-21. Juni, 2001.
- HEMM S. Carrefour Biologie Santé, Journée Scientifique Junior: In vivo study of the electrical brain impedance and current in patients with generalized dystonia treated by continuous bilateral stimulation of the internal globus pallidus, Montpellier, 23. Februar, 2001
- HEMM S., VAYSSIERE N., ROUBERTIE A., CIF L., ECHENNE B., COUBES P. Electrical Brain Impedance in Patients with Generalized Dystonia Treated by Continuous Bilateral Stimulation of the Internal Globus Pallidus – Preliminary results. XXVIII Annual Meeting of International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery, Istanbul, 2.-6. Oktober, 2000.
- HEMM, S. Intraoperative measurement techniques. 3rd DBS and 9th Neuro-Engineering Workshop, February 8-9 2018, Linköping.
- HEMM-ODE S. A methodology to investigate the mechanism of action of deep brain stimulation by combining intraoperative patient-specific electric field simulations and acceleration measurements. 7th NeuroTech Workshop, May 15-16 2014, Linköping
- HEMM-ODE S. Optimized intraoperative data acquisition and management. World Congress of Neurotechnology. Rome, 11.-14.Oktober 2010
- HEMM-ODE S. Computer measurements and simulations in Neurosurgery for Deep Brain Stimulation. Swedish Society of Biomedical Engineering. Goteborg, 14.-15.Oktober 2008
- HEMM-ODE S. On the way to optimization and better understanding of deep brain stimulation. Swiss Society for Biomedical Engineering. Muttenz, 4.-5. September 2008
- HEMM-ODE S. Tiefenhirnstimulation. Lunchseminar der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz. 25. August 2008
- Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) (
- Verein Deutscher Elektrotechniker (VDE) (
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik (DGBMT) (
- Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik (SSBE) (
- IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (IEEE EMBS) (
- fbmt – Fachverband Biomedizinische Technik e.V. (
2011 Poster Award Swiss Society of Biomedical Engineering
No peer reviewed content available
Peer reviewedStawiski, M., Bucciarelli, V., Vogel, D., & Hemm-Ode, S. (2024). Optimizing neuroscience data management by combining REDCap, BIDS and SQLite. A case study in Deep Brain Stimulation. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 18.
Peer reviewedVogel, D., Nordin, T., Feiler, S., Wårdell, K., Coste, J., Lemaire, J.-J., & Hemm-Ode, S. (2024). Probabilistic stimulation mapping from intra-operative thalamic deep brain stimulation data in essential tremor. Journal of Neural Engineering, 21(3).
Peer reviewedNordin, T., Blomstedt, P., Hemm-Ode, S., & Wårdell, K. (2023). How sample size impacts probabilistic stimulation maps in deep brain stimulation. Brain Sciences, 13(5).
Peer reviewedHemm-Ode, S., Baumann, D., Duarte da Costa, V., & Tarnutzer, A. A. (2023). Test-re-test reliability and dynamics of the Fukuda–Unterberger stepping test. Frontiers in Neurology, 14.
Peer reviewedVergne, C., Féry, C., Quirin, T., Nicolas, H., Madec, M., Hemm-Ode, S., & Pascal, J. (2023). Low-field electromagnetic tracking using 3-D magnetometer for assisted surgery. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 59(2).
Peer reviewedVergne, C., Nicolas, H., Madec, M., Hemm-Ode, S., Guzman, R., & Pascal, J. (2023). Experimental assessment of the performances of an anisotropic magnetoresistive sensor after exposure to strong magnetic fields. 2023 IEEE International Magnetic Conference - Short Papers (INTERMAG Short Papers). 2023 IEEE International Magnetic Conference.
Peer reviewedBourgeois, F., Pambakian, N., Coste, J., Lange, I. d., Lemaire, J.-J., & Hemm-Ode, S. (2022). An online movement and tremor identification algorithm for evaluation during deep brain stimulation. Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering, 8(2), 105–108.
Peer reviewedReymond, C., Widmer Beierlein, S., Müller, C., Kuntner, K. P., Falcón García, N., Grumbinaite, I., Hemm-Ode, S., Degen, M., Parrillo, F., Karlin, S., Park, S. H., Blechschmidt, A., & Reutimann, R. (2022). Naming images in aphasia: effects of illustrative and photographic images on naming performance in people with and without aphasia. Aphasiology, 1–23.
Peer reviewedTarnutzer, A. A., Duarte da Costa, V., Baumann, D., & Hemm-Ode, S. (2022). Heading direction is significantly biased by preceding whole-body roll-orientation while lying. Frontiers in Neurology, 13.
Peer reviewedWårdell, K., Nordin, T., Zsigmond, P., Westin, C.-F., Hariz, M., Vogel, D., & Hemm-Ode, S. (2022). Deep brain stimulation: emerging tools for simulation, data analysis, and visualization. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16.
Peer reviewedNordin, T., Vogel, D., Osterlund, E., Johansson, J., Fytagoridis, A., Blomstedt, P., Hemm-Ode, S., & Wardell, K. (2022). Probabilistic maps for deep brain stimulation – Impact of methodological differences. Brain Stimulation, 15(5), 1139–1152.
Peer reviewedPark, S. H., Altermatt, S., Widmer Beierlein, S., Blechschmidt, A., Reymond, C., Degen, M., Rickert, E., Wyss, S., Kuntner, K. P., & Hemm-Ode, S. (2021). Evaluation of the Potential of Automatic Naming Latency Detection for Different Initial Phonemes during Picture Naming Task. In IEEE (Ed.), 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) (pp. 945–950). IEEE.
Peer reviewedQuirin, T., Féry, C., Vogel, D., Vergne, C., Sarracanie, M., Salameh, N., Madec, M., Hemm-Ode, S., Hebrard, L., & Pascal, J. (2021). Towards tracking of deep brain stimulation electrodes using an integrated magnetometer. Sensors, 21(2670).
Peer reviewedQuirin, T., Féry, C., Vogel, D., Vergne, C., Sarracanie, M., Salameh, N., Madec, M., Hemm-Ode, S., Hébrard, L., & Pascal, J. (2021). Towards tracking of deep brain stimulation electrodes using an integrated magnetometer. Sensors, 21(8).
Peer reviewedMozaffarzadeh, M., Minonzio, C., De jong, N., Verweij, M., Hemm-Ode, S., Renaud, G., & Daeichin, V. (2021). Erratum to “Lamb waves and adaptive beamforming for aberration correction in medical ultrasound imaging”. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 68(2), 352–353.
Peer reviewedAltermatt, S., Kuntner, K. P., Rickert, E., Wyss, S., Degen, M., Reymond, C., Widmer Beierlein, S., Blechschmidt, A., & Hemm-Ode, S. (2020). Automatic detection of naming latency from aphasia patients – using an extended threshold-based method. In T. Jarm, S. Mahnič-Kalamiza, A. Cvetkoska, & D. Miklavcic (Eds.), 8th European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference. Conf Proc EMBEC Nov 2020 (p. 71). Založba FE.
Peer reviewedWyss, S., Rickert, E., Altermatt, S., Kuntner, K. P., Degen, M., Reymond, C., Widmer Beierlein, S., Blechschmidt, A., & Hemm-Ode, S. (2020). Patient-friendly speech recognition feedback for aphasia patients. In T. Jarm, S. Mahnič-Kalamiza, A. Cvetkoska, & D. Miklavcic (Eds.), 8th European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference. Conf Proc EMBEC Nov 2020 (p. 283). Založba FE.
Peer reviewedMozaffarzadeh, M., Minonzio, C., de Jong, N., Verweij, M., Hemm-Ode, S., & Daeichin, V. (2020). Lamb waves and adaptive beamforming for aberration correction in medical ultrasound imaging. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, 68(1), 84–91.
Peer reviewedVogel, D., Shah, A., & Hemm-Ode, S. (2020). Anatomical brain structures normalization for deep brain stimulation in movement disorders. NeuroImage: Clinical, 27.
Peer reviewedShah, A., Vogel, D., Pison, D., Schkommodau, E., & Hemm-Ode, S. (2020). Stimulation maps: visualization of results of quantitative intraoperative testing for deep brain stimulation surgery. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 58(4), 771–784.
Peer reviewedShah, A., Coste, J., Lemaire, J.-J., Schkommodau, E., Taub, E., Guzman, R., & Hemm-Ode, S. (2017). A novel assistive method for rigidity evaluation during deep brain stimulation surgery using acceleration sensors. Journal of Neurosurgery, 127(3), 602–612.
Peer reviewedZsigmond, P., & Hemm-Ode, S. (2017). Optical Measurements during Deep Brain Stimulation Lead Implantation: Safety Aspects. Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery, 95(6), 392–399.
Peer reviewedHemm-Ode, S., Pison, D., Alonso, F., Shah, A., Coste, J., Lemaire, J.-J., & Wårdell, K. (2016). Patient-specific electric field simulations and acceleration measurements for objective analysis of intraoperative stimulation tests in the thalamus. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10.
Peer reviewedZsigmond, P., Hemm-Ode, S., & Wardell, K. (2016). Optical measurements during DBS lead implantation - safety aspects. Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery.
Peer reviewedShah, A., Coste, J., Lemaire, J.-J., Taub, E., Schüpbach, W. M. M., Pollo, C., Schkommodau, E., Guzman, R., & Hemm-Ode, S. (2016). Intraoperative acceleration measurements to quantify tremor during deep brain stimulation surgery. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 1–14.
No peer reviewed content available
Peer reviewedRickert, E., Wyss, S., Altermatt, S., Degen, M., Widmer Beierlein, S., Reymond, C., & Hemm-Ode, S. (2021, November). App for naming exercises with automatic feedback for aphasia patients [Vortrag]. 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.
Peer reviewedWidmer Beierlein, S., Kuntner, K. P., Hemm-Ode, S., Reymond, C., Falcón García, N., Park, S. H., Jochmann, A., Elsener, C., & Blechschmidt, A. (2021, October 7). «Bire und Birne» – Lexikalischer Wortabruf bei diglosser Aphasie. GAB Jahrestagung 2021.
Peer reviewedKuntner, K. P., Blechschmidt, A., Hemm-Ode, S., Reymond, C., Falcón García, N., Park, S. H., Jochmann, A., Elsener, C., & Widmer Beierlein, S. (2021, October 7). « ‹Wöörfel› – Hochdütsch auch, oder?» Wechsel der Sprachvarietäten als Bildbenennfehler bei diglosser Aphasie. GAB Jahrestagung 2021.
Peer reviewedWidmer Beierlein, S., Kuntner, K. P., Hemm-Ode, S., Reymond, C., Falcón García, N., Park, S. H., Jochmann, A., Elsener, C., Winkler, M., & Blechschmidt, A. (2021, October). Lexical retrieval in diglossic aphasia [Poster]. 59th Annual Meeting Academy of Aphasia.
Peer reviewedWidmer Beierlein, S., Kuntner, K. P., Falcón García, N., Hemm-Ode, S., Reymond, C., Park, S. H., Elsener, C., Winkler, M., & Blechschmidt, A. (2021, September). Picture Naming Performance in Diglossic Aphasia [prerecorded presentation]. BAS - British Aphasiology Society Conference.
No peer reviewed content available
Hunziker, S. (2024). Quantitative assessment of repetitive lower limb movements used in the MDS-UPDRS-III scale in healthy subjects [Hochschule für Life Sciences FHNW].
Dere, T. (2024). Stimmanalyse zur Evaluierung des Leidens bei Patienten mit Krebs [Hochschule für Life Sciences FHNW].
Prof. Dr. Simone Hemm-Ode
- Lecturer in neural engineering
- Telephone
- +41 61 228 56 89 (direct)
- c2ltb25lLmhlbW1AZmhudy5jaA==
- School of Life Sciences FHNW
Institute for Medical Engineering and Medical Informatics
Hofackerstrasse 30
4132 Muttenz
Institute for Medical Engineering and Medical Informatics
- Telephone
- +41 61 228 54 19
- ZXJpay5zY2hrb21tb2RhdUBmaG53LmNo