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Transformation Journey to Agility

Introduction to a new, agile form of working in an SME; organisational and management development

An engineering SME is seeking to develop greater agility. To achieve this goal as best as it can, the company commissioned a scoping study with the aim of investigating the potential and risks of agile organisational and management concepts and of introducing agile forms of working at the company with accompanying research.

A new form of working was selected and is now to be introduced as a pilot project designed to develop the organisational structure. The impact of this “transformation journey” on the company will be analysed. The evaluation concept is to underpin the sustainability and strategic focus of the new form of working.

The scoping study and transformation journey will be carried out by the Designing flexible work research group at the FHNW School of Applied Psychology.

Project information

Project management Katrina Welge
Project team
Anne Maigatter, Johann Weichbrodt, Hartmut Schulze
Project funding Commissioned research
Duration May 2018 - December 2021

Welge, K. (2020). Aufbruch zu mehr Agilität in der Ingenieurbranche. In S. Wörwag & A. Cloots (Eds.), Zukunft der Arbeit – Perspektive Mensch (pp. 103–112).
Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.

Maigatter, A.,Weichbrodt, J. & Welge, K.(2020). Führungsherausforderungenmobil- flexibler Zusammenarbeit. In S. Wörwag & A. Cloots (Eds.), Zukunft der Arbeit – Perspektive Mensch (2nd ed., pp. 289–298).
Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien.