Method for developing digital strategies
The project’s aim is to provide a method for strategy development in digital transformation. The method takes into account the complex interaction of humans, technology and organization.
Digital transformation represents both, a challenge and an opportunity. Obstacles in implementing digital strategies often lie in the fact that traditional approaches are applied and a one-sided focus is placed on technology. Based on the «Strategy by Design» approach and «Design Thinking» elements, the project examines how the digital transformation influences humans (e. g. needs, skills), technology (e. g. collaboration tools, platforms) and organization (e. g. forms of work, processes of cooperation).
Based on this, exemplary digital products were developed, and their effects are analyzed from a sociotechnical. New methods were being developed for this.
The result is a generic toolbox that supports the development of company-specific digitalization strategies and takes into explicit account the complex interplay of humans, technology and organization.
Project Dates
Lead and Team | Prof. Dr. Toni Wäfler (Lead), Luca Niederhauser |
Funding | Präventionsstiftung der Kantonalen Gebäudeversicherungen |
Collaboration | Fachhochschule Graubünden |
Duration | 2020–2022 |
Ahnefeld, J., Deflorin, P., Niederhauser, L. & Wäfler, T. (2023). Methodenentwicklung für die Erarbeitung digitaler Strategien. Präventionsstiftung der Kantonalen Gebäudeversicherungen. Projekt 034 / 10. Ausschreibung.
Niederhauser, L, Wäfler, T., Deflorin, P. & Ahnefeld, J. (2023). Wie New Work wirtschaftliche und soziale Ansprüche verbindet. Organisator, 5-6, S. 57-58.