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Suitability and employee development

Fitting the person in with the professional requirements as a focal point for advice, employee selection and employee development

Fitting the person in with the professional requirements as a focal point for advice, employee selection and employee development Performance, satisfaction and health largely depend on the fit between professional requirements and personal strengths, interests and values.

Our working groups develop tools for aptitude analyses and encouraging professional development. The spectrum of our research spans from fundamental questions to service-orientated orders. In our continuing education programmes we pass on our first-hand knowledge to HR specialists as well as professional, study and career advisors.

Contact us to find out more about our continuing education, research and service offers.

Selected Projects

Optimising SME personnel selection and development

Developing professional and innovative tools for selecting and developing employees

to Optimising SME personnel selection and development

Tools for student selection and career advice

We develop online tools for student selection and career advice.

to Tools for student selection and career advice

Further Information

Extensive information about the research activities and projects in this Design and Innovation Area can be found on the German website.

To the German site