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Sustainable Resources Management

The term sustainable resources management refers to developing and implementing methods and solutions for using and protecting resources such as water, energy and raw materials as well as treating waste-streams and -waters.

Nachhaltiges Ressourcenmanagement EN.jpg

The demand for raw materials and energy is increasing worldwide causing scarcities and increases in the volatility of prices of raw materials since many resources remain insufficiently renewable. Additionally the progressive pollution of soil, air and water resources with harmful emissions is threatening a sustainable development in many parts of the world.

The "Sustainable resources management" working group analyses and addresses such challenges. It helps develop environmentally and socially compatible resources and waste management methods, encourages the sustainable use of water resources through a comprehensive water and drainage basin management, and develops strategies to avoid waste streams or to reuse/recycle material flows and energy using cleaner production (CP) and industrial symbiosis (IS) approaches. Our collaborative work with Swiss and foreign partners as part of national and international cooperations has proven to be instrumental to find regionally adapted and accepted solutions.

Our research topics

Cleaner Production and Industrial Symbiosis

to Cleaner Production and Industrial Symbiosis

Resources Management and Circular Economy

to Resources Management and Circular Economy

Integrated Water Management

to Integrated Water Management

International Cooperation

to International Cooperation

Development and Application of Decision Support Tools

to Development and Application of Decision Support Tools

Selected Projects


to Ingreen


to Madforwater


to Reffnet

Reffnet 1-3

to Reffnet 1-3
All Projects

Institute for Ecopreneurship

FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland School of Life Sciences, Institute for Ecopreneurship Hofackerstrasse 30 CH - 4132 Muttenz
More information about the location