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Embedded Systems

We develop smart solutions for a wide range of electronic applications.

We optimise the systems with regard to their energy consumption ("low power"), size (miniaturisation), real-time behaviour as well as efficient communication with other systems. For this, we need to fine tune hardware and software appropriately. Our systems are used in a wide range of applications, e.g. IoT, control systems, signal conditioning circuits for sensors, radio modules.


Infrastructure and tools

  • C, C++, Python, Java
  • VS Code, Clion, STM32CubeIDE, Pycharm, IntelliJ
  • Gitlab, Github, SVN
  • UML
  • KiCAD, Mentor, OrCAD
  • PSPICE, Simscape, Simulink
  • InlfuxDB, Grafana, Docker, Node-RED, MQTT


  • Innovation projects with industry partners and funding agencies (e.g. Innosuisse, SNSF, FHNW Foundation, federal offices, Interreg, Horizon Europe, Eurostars).
  • Service contracts
  • Preliminary studies, feasibility studies
  • Student projects
  • National and international cooperation with universities and research centres

Selected projects

Periodic technical inspection for diesel soot emissions

In order to check the exhaust gases of road vehicles regularly, researchers from the FHNW have developed a portable measuring device .

to Periodic technical inspection for diesel soot emissions


Prof. Michael Pichler
Prof. Michael Pichler

Programme Head MAS Microelectronics, Head of Microelectronics Team

Telephone +41 56 202 75 26 (direct)
Prof. Dominique Kunz
Prof. Dominique Kunz

Lecturer for Embedded Systems

Telephone +41 56 202 79 75 (direct)