Schola Cantorum Basiliensis
The Schola Cantorum Basiliensis is a world-renowned seat of learning in the field of Early Music. In keeping with the original mission of founder Paul Sacher, and his trusted associates, the Institute, which was established in 1933, focuses on providing students with a thorough grounding in historical performance practice. At the Institute, every effort is made to dovetail teaching content and research. Bachelor and Master’s students can choose one of two historical focal points: Medieval/Renaissance (8th-16th centuries) and Renaissance/Romantic.
The Institution
The SCB was founded in 1933 by Paul Sacher (1906-1999), together with Ina Lohr (1903-1983) and August Wenzinger (1905-1996), as a private institute for teaching and research (‘Lehr und Forschungsinstitut’) in the field of Early Music. In 2008 it became part of the group of professional institutions of higher learning known as University of Applied Sciences and Arts FHNW (Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW). Together with the Institutes "Klassik" and Jazz, it now makes up the Basel Academy of Music and is based in the beautiful, historic campus of the Musik-Akademie Basel on the edge of Basel Old Town.
International students and teaching staff
Thanks to its renowned lecturers and talented students who come from many different countries, the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis is a multilingual, multicultural learning environment. The passion and intense interest of this international community of scholars and practitioners ensures that Early Music, with its many facets, continues to be a vibrant and relevant discipline.