Prof. Dr. Andreas Vogt
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vogt
Tätigkeiten an der FHNW
Dozent für Mathematik, Kryptographie und Informationssicherheit am Institut für Mathematik- und Naturwissenschaften FHNW
Kryptographie, Protokollanalyse, elektronische Wahlen, Approximationstheorie, diskrete Mathematik, theoretische Informatik, Stochastik, Optimierung, algorithmische Geometrie
- Habilitation in Informatik, 2012
- Promotion in angewandter Mathematik, 2008
- Diplom in Informatik, 2007
- Diplom in Mathematik, 2007
- Studium der Mathematik und Informatik an der Universität Trier und der Université Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris
- Formal Analysis of Chaumian Mix Nets with Randomized Partial Checking.
In 35th IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P 2014), IEEE Computer Society, 2014. (together with R. Küsters and T. Truderung) - Clash Attacks on the Verifiability of E-Voting Systems.
In 33rd IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S&P 2012), pp. 395–409, IEEE Computer Society, 2012. (together with R. Küsters and T. Truderung) - Verifiability, Privacy, and Coercion-Resistance: New Insights from a Case Study. In IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (S{\&}P 2011), pages 538--553. IEEE Computer Society, 2011. (together with R. Küsters and T. Truderung)
- Proving Coercion-Resistance of Scantegrity II. In Miguel Soriano, Sihan Qing, and Javier Lopez, editors, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information and Communications Security (ICICS 2010), volume 6476 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 281--295. Springer, 2010. (together with R. Küsters and T. Truderung)
- Accountabiliy: Definition and Relationship to Verifiability. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS 2010), pages 526--535. ACM Press, 2010. (together with R. Küsters and T. Truderung)
- A Game-Based Definition of Coercion-Resistance and its Applications. InProceedings of the 23nd IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF 2010), pages 122--136. IEEE Computer Society, 2010. (together with R. Küsters and T. Truderung)
- Improving and Simplifying a Variant of Prêt à Voter. In Peter Y. A. Ryan and Berry Schoenmakers, editors, Second International Conference on E-voting and Identity (VOTE-ID 2009), volume 5767 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 37--53. Springer, 2009. (together with R. Küsters and T. Truderung)
Beiträge in Fachzeitschriften
- On Bounded Universal Functions.Computational Methods and Function Theory, 12(1):213–219, 2012.
- Universal Interpolation.ANALYSIS , 32:87–96, 2012.
- Universal Properties of Approximation Operators. Journal of Approximation Theory, 164:367–370, 2012.
- A Game-Based Definition of Coercion-Resistance and its Applications. Journal of Computer Security (special issue of selected CSF 2011 papers), 2011. To appear.(together with R. Küsters and T. Truderung)
Technical Reports
- Formal Analysis of Chaumian Mix Nets with Randomized Partial Checking.
Technical Report Cryptology ePrint Archive, Report 2014/341, 2014. (together with R. Küsters and T. Truderung) - Clash Attacks on the Verifiability of E-Voting Systems.
Technical Report 2012/116, Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2012. (together with R. Küsters and T. Truderung) - Verifiability, Privacy, and Coercion-Resistance: New Insights from a Case Study. Technical report, University of Trier, 2011. Also appeared as Technical Report 2011/517, Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2010. (together with R. Küsters and T. Truderung)
- Proving Coercion-Resistance of Scantegrity II. Technical Report 2010/502, Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2010. (together with R. Küsters and T. Truderung)
- Accountabiliy: Definition and Relationship to Verifiability. Technical report, University of Trier, 2010. Also appeared as Technical Report 2010/236, Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2010. (together with R. Küsters and T. Truderung)
- A Game-Based Definition of Coercion-Resistance and its Applications. Technical Report 2009/582, Cryptology ePrint Archive, 2009. (together with R. Küsters and T. Truderung)
- Security Properties and Formal Analysis of Protocols for Voting. Habilitation an der Universität Trier, 2012.
- Marcinkiewicz-Funktionen in der komplexen Ebene und universelle Approximationsoperatoren. Dissertation an der Universität Trier, 2008.
- Conference on Principles of Security and Trust (POST)
- International Conference on Information Security Practice and Experience (ISPEC)
- IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF)
- International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security (ACNS)
- International Cryptology Conference (Crypto)
- International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES)
- ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS)
- RSA Conference Cryptographers Track (CT-RSA)
- International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT)
- Asian Computing Science Conference (AISAN)
- Benelux Workshop on Information and System Security (WiSSec)
- Computer Communications
- Computers & Security
- International Journal of Information Security
- Kuwait Journal of Science & Engineering
- Cryptography
- Mitglied des Editorial Boards beim MDPI Cryptography Journal
- Guest Editor einer Special Issue zu kryptographischen Protokollen (MDPI Cryptography)
Prof. Dr. Andreas Vogt
- Dozent für Mathematik, Kryptographie und Informationssicherheit
- Telefonnummer
- +41 56 202 78 01 (Direkt)
- YW5kcmVhcy52b2d0QGZobncuY2g=
- Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW
Hochschule für Technik und Umwelt
Bahnhofstrasse 6
CH-5210 Windisch