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Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling with lavaan

The course provides an introduction to the theory and application of structural equation modeling and illustrates how to use the open-source R package lavaan (see to conduct an SEM analysis.


Nächster Start
Montag, 2.6.2025
Fr, 18.4.2025
Campus Brugg-Windisch
CHF 300.–


Msc. Jasper Bogaert (in collaboration with, Prof. Yves Rosseel, developer of the R package lavaan), Ghent University, Department of Data Analysis

Course Objectives

First, the course provides an introduction to the theory and application of structural equation modeling and illustrates how to use the open-source R package lavaan (see to conduct an SEM analysis. Next, we briefly discuss several special topics that are often needed by applied users, such as handling missing data, non-normal data, categorical data, and longitudinal data. Finally, we delve into the topic of multilevel SEM. If time permits, we will explore some of the latest developments in lavaan that can be of great use to applied users.

Working method in the course

The two days primarily consist of lectures (to maximize the amount of information that can be taught) with a brief practical and troubleshooting session at the end of each day. Additionally, do-it-yourself practicals, including written feedback and solutions, will be provided to illustrate all the topics covered in the course.

Course language



Participants should have a solid understanding of regression analysis and basic statistics (hypothesis testing, p-values, etc.). Some knowledge of (exploratory) factor analysis (or PCA) is recommended, but not required. Because lavaan is an R package, some experience with R (reading in a dataset, fitting a regression model) is recommended, but not required.

«Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling with lavaan» ist Teil des folgenden Angebotes:


  • Msc. Jasper Bogaert
    Teaching assistant & PhD researcher, Ghent University, Department of Data Analysis


Msc. Jasper Bogaert, Teaching assistant & PhD researcher, Ghent University, Department of Data Analysis


Freitag, 18.4.2025

Daten und Ort(e)

Mo, 2.6.2025, 8.45–16.30 Uhr
Di, 3.6.2025, 8.45–16.30 Uhr

Campus Brugg-Windisch


CHF 300.–

Für Doktorierende CHF 200.–


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