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About us

Around 1000 students, teachers and staff study and work at the Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW, making the institution a multifaceted learning, teaching and research community. The Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW takes up socially relevant discourses in theory and practice, drives them forward and thus contributes significantly to shaping the future.


Prof. Dr. Claudia Perren

Direktorin Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW

to Prof. Dr. Claudia Perren

Management Board

The Management Board is responsible for the strategic direction and operational management of the HGK Basel.

Advisory Board

Renowned personalities from the working world of arts and design form the Advisory Board of the Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW. The advisory board accompanies and advises us with their specialist and practical expertise in all matters of higher education development. With its outside perspective, the advisory board supports our quality and continuing development.


Julia Müller


to Julia Müller

Dr. Mario Klinger

Leiter Stab | Hochschulentwicklung | Fachstelle Lehre

to Dr. Mario Klinger

Dr. Linda Ludwig

Fachstelle Forschung

to Dr. Linda Ludwig

Seline Reinhardt

Fachstelle Qualitätsmanagement

to Seline Reinhardt

Simone Marie

Wissenschaftliche Assistentin Stab; Mitarbeiterin International Office

to Simone Marie

Dr. Linda Ludwig

Fachstelle Forschung

to Dr. Linda Ludwig

Tabea Rothfuchs

Wissenschaftliche Assistentin

to Tabea Rothfuchs


Rhea Kyvelos

Leiterin Kommunikation HGK Basel

to Rhea Kyvelos

Benedict Dackweiler

Mitarbeiter Kommunikation / Content-Manager

to Benedict Dackweiler

Matylda Krzykowski

Künstlerische Leiterin CIVIC

to Matylda Krzykowski

Anita Muçolli

Projektleiterin CIVIC

to Anita Muçolli

Werner Hoppe

Mitarbeiter Kommunikation / Redaktion

to Werner Hoppe

Elena Ringgenberg

Mitarbeiterin Kommunikation / Sachbearbeitung

to Elena Ringgenberg


Nicola Di Siro

Leiter Services HGK Basel

to Nicola Di Siro

Vanessa Rühl

Mitarbeiterin Controlling

to Vanessa Rühl

Nadja Brunazzi


to Nadja Brunazzi

Evelyne Christen


to Evelyne Christen

Carine Sommer

Mitarbeiterin Zentrale Studienadministration ZSA

to Carine Sommer

Luise Werlen

Leiterin Zentrale Studienadministration ZSA

to Luise Werlen

Magdalena Zverev

Mitarbeiterin Zentrale Studienadministration ZSA

to Magdalena Zverev

Jeanne Jucker

Mitarbeiterin Zentrale Studienadministration ZSA

to Jeanne Jucker

Ines Giuri

Mitarbeiterin Zentrale Studienadministration ZSA

to Ines Giuri

Nadine Seiler


to Nadine Seiler

Fina Di Franco De La Plaza


to Fina Di Franco De La Plaza

Anita Petriello

Mitarbeiterin Zentrale Studienadministration ZSA

to Anita Petriello


Sean Ledwinka

Leiter IT

to Sean Ledwinka

Ruedi Diriwächter

IT System Spezialist

to Ruedi Diriwächter

Silvan Hahn

Software Engineer

to Silvan Hahn

Daniel Schluchter

IT Servicedesk Koordinator

to Daniel Schluchter

Loris Schwärzler

IT System Spezialist

to Loris Schwärzler

Graziano von Allmen

DevOps Engineer

to Graziano von Allmen

Katharina Hajzer


to Katharina Hajzer


Christina Felle

Leiterin Campus HGK Basel

to Christina Felle

Suresh Surenthiran

Leiter Medieninfrastruktur

to Suresh Surenthiran

Marco Mastrogiacomo

Mitarbeiter Medieninfrastruktur und Raumbuchung

to Marco Mastrogiacomo

Dr. Tabea Lurk

Leiterin Mediathek

to Dr. Tabea Lurk

Enver Pajaziti

Leiter Facility Management / Sicherheitsbeauftragter SiBe

to Enver Pajaziti

Thomas Fröhlich

Mitarbeiter Facility Management

to Thomas Fröhlich

Sascha Ghilardi

Mitarbeiter Facility Management / Instandhaltungsfachperson EFZ / Sicherheitsbeauftragter SiBe

to Sascha Ghilardi

Benjamin Kossmann

Leiter Campus.Werkstätten

to Benjamin Kossmann

Christoph Krimbacher

Mitarbeiter Facility Management / Betriebselektriker EFZ

to Christoph Krimbacher

Stefanie Rohrer

Leiterin Events

to Stefanie Rohrer

Françoise Payot

Leiterin Empfang, Mitarbeiterin Events, Praktikumsbetreuung Mode-Design

to Françoise Payot

Katharina Kemmerling

Mitarbeiterin Events, Medien.Werkstatt

to Katharina Kemmerling

Jodok Wehrli

Mitarbeiter Empfang

to Jodok Wehrli

Maria Sabato

Mitarbeiterin Empfang

to Maria Sabato

Michael Mathys

I&D Spezialist

to Michael Mathys

Daniele Praiano

Mitarbeiter Eventtechnik

to Daniele Praiano


Markus Aerni

Leitung Modellbauwerkstatt, Kunststoff und Lackieren / Dozent für Materialkunde

to Markus Aerni

Madeleine Ashie-Leroy

Leiterin Bildhauerei

to Madeleine Ashie-Leroy

Carolina de Giacinto

Mitarbeiterin Nähatelier / Material-Archiv Mode-Design; Leiterin Näh.Insel Campus.Werkstätten

to Carolina de Giacinto

Haimo Ganz

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Stellvertreter Leitung Holzwerkstatt

to Haimo Ganz

Tena Kelemen

Leiterin Buchbinden und Siebdruck, Stellvertreterin Leitung Digital Fabrication Lab

to Tena Kelemen

Katharina Kemmerling

Mitarbeiterin Events, Medien.Werkstatt

to Katharina Kemmerling

Benjamin Kossmann

Leiter Campus.Werkstätten

to Benjamin Kossmann

Kurt Küng

Leitung Werkstatt Metall, Dozent für Materialkunde

to Kurt Küng

Anita Kuratle

Dozentin für plastische Gestaltung, Stellvertreterin Leitung Bildhauerei

to Anita Kuratle

Simon Mader

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Dozent Fotografie, Leiter Medien.Werkstatt

to Simon Mader

Mauro Tammaro

Leitung Digital Fabrication Lab

to Mauro Tammaro

Christoph von Arx

Leitung Werkstatt Holz, Dozent für Materialkunde

to Christoph von Arx

Michel Winterberg

Technischer Mitarbeiter Medien.Werkstatt

to Michel Winterberg


The Academy of Art and Design has five institutes. These are responsible for the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes.
The institutes are headed by the following persons:

Prof. Werner Baumhakl

Institutsleiter ICDP / Studiengangleiter BA Industrial Design

to Prof. Werner Baumhakl

Prof. Matthias Böttger

Institutsleiter IXDM / Studiengangleiter BA Prozessgestaltung

to Prof. Matthias Böttger

Prof. Dr. Dorothée King

Institutsleiterin IADE / Studiengangleiterin MA Vermittlung von Kunst und Design

to Prof. Dr. Dorothée King

Prof. Dr. Chus Martínez

Institutsleiterin IAGN / Studiengangleiterin BA Bildende Kunst

to Prof. Dr. Chus Martínez

Prof. Michael Renner

Institutsleiter IDCE / Leiter MA Digital Communication Environments

to Prof. Michael Renner

You can find the staff members of the individual institutes on the institute pages.


MOM is the representative staff body at the FHNW. Participation has been governed by the FHNW collective labour agreement (GAV) since 1 January 2007. 

The purpose of the Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW Participatory Commission (GAV A4.5 Abs.4) is to represent staff interests at the Academy level (GAV A4.2) and become involved in the running of current operations (GAV A4.9) according to the respective areas of participation and participatory rights (GAV A4.3 Abs. 3). 

The Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW Academy Participatory Commission is made up of ten members representing the various staff categories. It includes lecturers, research associates, as well technical and administrative staff members from of the Academy’s institutes, in consideration of appropriate gender representation.


Katharina Kemmerling & Linda Ludwig (Chairpersons)


Employees of the HGK Basel FHNW can find more information under this Inside-Link.

Student Body

The Student Body of the Basel Academy of Art and Design represents the interests of the students. It promotes the exchange of experiences among students from all institutes and degree programmes, supports student projects, communicates with lecturers and the director and is involved on behalf of selected committees at the Academy.

One member of the student council is on the board of students.fhnw, the student organization of the FHNW. This represents the interests of all FHNW students. The board consists of nine members from the nine schools of the FHNW, sets the strategic direction of the student organization and controls the office.

Management Board

The positions are currently vacant.


Alumni HGKx

The HGKx is an association that provides a platform for former students of the University of Art and Design (HGK Basel FHNW) to network, share experiences and knowledge and support each other. The organization is run and designed by volunteer alumni and students, and the purpose is to create a vibrant and authentic community that adds value to the network.
It is important to emphasize that such organizations can only be successful through active participation and co-creation by all. By contributing their knowledge and skills, graduates can simultaneously make new connections and expand their professional networks.


The FHNW and the Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW recognize and endorse with their diversity policy the rich cultural and social backgrounds of their students and staff members and promote the awareness of diversity as a potential and resource. The principles of diversity and equality find clear expression at the federal level, in university law, in the FHNW treaty, as well as in numerous strategic papers and documents. The existence of a central staff unit and part-time equal opportunities officers at each university underpin the significance of the principle of diversity and equality.

Further information:

Accessibility HGK Basel

The buildings of the HGK Basel are accessible for wheelchairs, stroller and people with walking difficulties. The entrance to the highrise building (Building D) is at ground level, the studio building (Building A) can be reached via a ramp. There is at least one elevator in both buildings. Toilets for people with disabilities are available on all floors.

Further information: Accessibility HGK Basel

Martina Siegwolf

Dozentin für Kunstvermittlung; Diversity-Beauftragte HGK Basel

to Martina Siegwolf

Job vacancies

Here you can access the FHNW job portal.

Dreispitz Basel

FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland Basel Academy of Art and Design Freilager-Platz 1 4142 Münchenstein near Basel
More information about the location